I heard somewhere the guy said that in the hopes that musk would give him a Tesla or something 😅
I heard somewhere the guy said that in the hopes that musk would give him a Tesla or something 😅
Maybe Chewie got hungry one day?
Wookies canonically have 6 breasts: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Breast/Legends#Behind_the_scenes
I wish I did not know this.
True story https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0779982/
Haha indeed https://imgur.com/5o7OS8m
Probably a mix. This was at Cineplex in Canada which also does the IMAX shows here. Maybe they were just behind the curve
That’s Tom from MySpace. Everyone got added as his friend so he could peep on anyone he wanted
In an interview about silicon valley the creators said they interviewed a lot of people in the industry and had to actually cut out a bunch of stuff because it wouldn’t be believable by people outside the industry. One small example was the valuation. The VC people they talked to said pied piper would have gotten a lot more money than what ended up being in the show
I think the Pentagon Wars is about as close as it gets for now. Not about programming of course but all about company bureaucracy and feature creep
Huh I guess I haven’t been to a 3d movie in quite some time. I definitely remember had tilting used to work
That’s not Frollum, that’s Vladimir Putin
Maaan, this always happens!
I also remember a behind the scenes thing about the Hobbit talking about specifically the cameras they were using added a colour hue that required them to make all the makeup much more red. So if you see on-set photos/video they all look really red/flushed in order to compensate for the high speed camera colour shifting
the newer chemistries like lithium iron phosphate are much more stable and not prone to thermal runway apparently. They are not as energy dense as lithium ion but that doesn’t matter so much for a non-mobile application.
I once read that in his original iteration Cookie Monster did have a hole in his mouth so he could actually consume the cookies but children found it too disturbing so they modified it so he just sprays them everywhere.
Sacrifices had to be made in the name of aerodynamic efficiency