Great leader has mandated all must be implanted with explosive chip at base of the spine. The AM radio sometimes acts as a secondary proximity kill switch.
Great leader has mandated all must be implanted with explosive chip at base of the spine. The AM radio sometimes acts as a secondary proximity kill switch.
Since we are talking hypotheticals, an ideal scenario would be a nearly completely renewables approach where each household is its own self contained energy production center equippef with solar arrays, wind turbines, thermoelectric generators. Various means of production. And have either propane or diesel generator as a backup. You know your average overall watt-hour usage for the household and try to have enough battery capacity to satisfy it for a week or two of bad weather.
Most household electrical wiring is redone for DC transmission and all consumer appliances possible are run straight on DC for optimal efficency. Energy efficent heat pumps for cooling and heating. energy efficent cooking appliances like induction heaters. Electric cars that act as backup battery banks would be awesome.
Industrial zones would be much harder as you need huge solar panel or wind turbine arrays to get the megawatt and gigawatts needed to run a factory. Most factories are decades old running on the most energy ineffient assembly lines you can think of. A energy mandate that calculated and taxed total energy efficency compared to national average for factory size and the would be a start.
Humanity simply does not “stop” because we go through an energy crisis. We did fine enough before the industrial revoltion and renewables + energy efficent consumer devices have improved a bunch. The economy would tank and what renewable energy made would be a premium commodity and the system would adapt to use it best as possible. But things would go on.
The digital manifestation of the ghost in the machine. It likes playing with the bits that line occupies when you aren’t looking. Don’t touch its line.
Ha, fat chance! Your centipede would be discretely drone striked very quickly and the jumbo-wumbo gun research would be used to fuel a new division of the military industrial complex before NATO ever got a chance to add it to the no-no list.
You eat this mandelbrot set right now mister or theres no desert for you!
Maybe try out NotepadNext it claims to be reimplemented notepad++
From what I understand Rolfe doesn’t write his own stuff anymore. So you would just be hearing him voice over some underpaid intern of Screenwrite production company that got passed down the unplayably jank beta cartridge.
Your best hope is that its a FPS clone about shooting lobsters with harpoons and marine weaponry. That way Civvie11 gets to be tortured by it.
I am a hippy nature person who tries to be merciful and kind to plants or insects. The exceptions are mosquitoes and ticks. Those fuckers want to take my blood and dont settle for one serving if they get the chance. Were in a biological armrace and so far we’ve been loosing. Let’s see how they like being fucked with.
Sandy Loam. Who is she and why can’t I reach her?
Hey hey people.
I have a strange fascination with non credible defense post. Military people are like academic nerds when it comes to hyper specific vocabulary and in-the-know references. So many post and comments are like half ciphers where its a puzzle to piece together what is being talked about ad what the joke is.
Wile Coyote was never quite the same after his final divorce. He found Rebecca with the roadrunner.
Great meme post! This comment section is a scorching hot dumpster fire that beamed carcinogens directly into my retinas. Thanks I hate it.