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Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • It does. We also evolved embryo wasting. A measurement to reduce non-viable pregnancies. Except it also tends to dispose of potentially healthy embryo’s. They used to think 70% was wasted. But now they think it’s between 40 and 60%.

    This is a good thing, since it also enables more monogamous behaviour. More sex with the same guy = greater chance at conception. And reduces both male/male and female/female competition. So basically more coop-mode for everyone. Sucks only women suffer the drawbacks of this perk.

    Not only that. Paternal care is something other primates lack. But men did develop paternal care as prolactin levels in the brain increase when men see their baby. Paternal care interestinly enough, isn’t just a back-up parent in case the mom dies during labour. It’s invaluable. Especially to boys who prefer to learn from their fathers.

    On top of this, we also have meno- and andropause. Where people lose fertility. This is only seen in two other species. Both matriarchies where the leader is determined by her experience. Orca’s and elephants. Sticking around while not competing with her own children is amazing. It’s why we live so long. Fun fact. Male orcas only live 30 years, but female orcas live somewhere between 60 and 90 years. Makes that “women live 3 years longer than men on average” seem insignificant huh? In any case. Love your grandparents.

    Anyhow. It’s no surprise that forced mating is so common in nature, but not that common in humans. We are doing well despite rape still existing.

  • It would make sense. There are other behaviours that directly lower male aggression. Smiling and emotional tears.

    Which is awesome for babies since non-human primate males are known to kill offspring of other males in order to get the mother in estrus sooner.

    It’s also the reason women smile when nervous and cry a lot more. I suppose you have to if you lack offense and defence. E.g. estrogens slowing muscular and skeletal growth in the upper body. And growing hair enough for thermal regulation, but not enough to redistribute blunt forces. The reason beards exist is to protect the jaw.

    Interestingly, the main motive for men to commit homicide is dominance seeking behaviour. Men are more likely to kill every age with exception of infants. Women’s main motives for homicide are self-defence first and jelousy second. Infanticide is almost exclusively done by women. Often their own too. Never trust a woman who had a miscarriage with your newborn or your pregnant wife. High prolactin, loss of child and stealing babies is not just a human thing.

    I wonder how the willingness to kill your own (high risk and expensive) baby influenced human evolution. Since it’s the other way around in other primates. Recon it reduced rape to be merely a dominance thing rather than a reproductive strategy?

  • I don’t get what you are trying to imply. I am aware that sitting down isn’t the only option to keep it cleaner for longer.

    I know toilets can splash water on the seet. Large droplets aren’t the concern here. It’s the small particles that get out and stick to the seat, walls and floor. You can’t see it, but it does stink up the place.

    As for kids, I sure af hope the women clean up after them too. My original commenr was not about whose the worst offender, it’s about being mindful and keeping the stalls clean.

  • Thank you for reading. I agree with you.

    Unfortunately. AD(H)D does impact brain development. People have brains that are and wothout care remain underdeveloped in a few regions, as well as the connections between these regions. So the use of retard is correct.

    I can’t blame people for not wasting energy on a child that needs a lot more structure, support and training.

    As for relationships. They do ask things that people on the spectrum struggle with. From being able to put oneself in the other’s shoes, to being aware of how they feel themselves about a situation. Struggling with emotional regulation can also cause problems, while not being aware that what they said or did wasn’t okay.

    Take my dad for example. He destroyed family ties between my mother and his side of the family. He compartimenalized me as part of “mom’s” side. Reducing what little family connection I had. All because of hypersensitivity and not wanting to be around “too many people” once a year for christmas. So to this day he has two christmas parties. With his family, and us. Even though everyone on “his side” is on the spectrum and would have understood if he communicated about getting overstimulated. No one bothered to ask why, or what my sister and I thought of it. As after all, they struggle with theory of mind.

    With such carelessness or lack of awareness, I cannot blame someone for not thinking and just running away. If someone is seemingly shortsighted, unreliable or uncaring, why stay with them? Or starting a relationship with them with no certainty things will improve? It’s wrong to believe you can change or fix someone, it is foolish to try when you don’t.