How many fucking letters can I use? I’m sick of editing this shit, just fucking accept the bio, damn.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • That’s a caveat I inform people of beforehand. I am really into movies, but I have very discriminate taste, so I don’t watch very often because movies are generally dogshit. All my friends know, I will watch anything with them, but I’m going to talk mad shit the entire time. This is a really fun group activity in most cases, and often helps less informed people see through the bullshit that is modern media, but sometimes there’s someone who doesn’t get it, or needs to hyperfocus on the screen.

    That signifies to me:

    1. This person doesn’t understand the point of hanging out in a group

    2. This person falls for blatant marketing

    3. We will probably not be good friends

  • Not wanting unnecessary “features“ that are just thinly veiled spyware that overcomplicate every aspect of driving is not a boomer opinion. Wanting buttons you can feel without looking for instead of a giant screen that has automatic updates and needs to have access to your cellphone for basic functionality is not a boomer opinion.

    Knowing that tacking voice activation onto every ‘smart’ device, including vehicles, is just an excuse for companies to record everything you say for their shitty marketing isn’t a boomer opinion.

    In my experience doing tech work, boomers love that shit and fall for all of it, and it all fucks up in some way much more quickly than should be allowed.

  • Focusing close regularly doesn’t make you short sighted, not getting enough tourquoise light on your retina from staying inside makes your eye keep getting longer instead of stopping when the focal point is correct. Well, that and genetics.

    And losing the ability to see near as you age has nothong to do with pressure. Your lens is constantly adding new layers to itself to stay clear, and after 40 it’s become so thick the muscles that pull it to accommodate near vision can’t stretch it enough. By 58 it doesn’t stretch at all any more. That’s why everyone eventually needs bifocals/progressives.

    Don’t state things as fact if your not sure of them.

    Source: ABOA, NCLE, OD, I own two optical practices.