Didn’t know that. Thanks for the tidbit of lore. :)
Didn’t know that. Thanks for the tidbit of lore. :)
I hope California, blue states, and Europe all bankroll this into an official Neo-CDC, free of Yarvin’s hatred and stupidity.
I think people would aim at corporations, not their communities. In a crisis, people tend to flock together and do what they can to help each other. It is elites who panic and go out of their way to ‘protect’ what they perceive to be theirs.
Behind the Bastards has an episode about Elite Panic.
I am expecting Monero or some other privacy coin to become big, because people would want the discretion of dollars while still having digital flexibility. Musk is almost certainly angling to make a Muskcoin to go with an X Everything app in the Chinese fashion, so people will naturally go for something that isn’t controlled by the Fascist States.
Of course, gold and foreign currencies like the Euro will see a major uptick. Again, to avoid Fascist oversight. No one knows what the right answer to this crap would be, so every decent person will just take a guess. Along with a shot, for courage.
I wouldn’t be surprised if these tax hikes are imposed, then Musk/Trump issue checks with their faces that give ‘free money’ to everyone in an attempt to curry favor.
If that happens, I will turn that crap into Euros.
The decision to turn my dollars into Euros becomes ever more sound.
Considering that DOGE can likely withdraw money from bank accounts at will, relying on cash seems very legitimate. I don’t want my life savings to just vanish because Musk felt like it. Or worse, replaced it with Muskcoin in a offer that no one can refuse.
I can see Trump and Musk ordering new denominations to one-up each other. “Crypto DOGE is worth over $9,001!” waved sharpie “Nuh-uh, Trump Bucks gets you a dozen eggs, cause I say so!”
Musk can be the $1,000,000 bill in Weimer America, suitable for buying a single omelet.
The Geronocrats and MAGATs are the foolish clown that hops into the mouth of the beast.
I think Capitalism is reaching a dead end, just as Feudalism had. We will need a completely different approach, specifically designed to bring prosperity and political agency to every person. A rebuilt constitution that isn’t just about political rules, but also economic.
These times will either cause Americans to show the way forward to the globe, or be a disastrous example to avoid repeating. Either way, the American Experiment is reaching a crescendo.
I wouldn’t mind a big field of (good) Democratic candidates. Sanders, AOC, Crockett, Walz, they can all campaign. They can mutually have have their rivals as VP picks, and Sanders can have a public contract where the VP can remove him from office, if his age makes him mentally unfit for office.
What I would like to see, is a dynasty of (genuinely) progressive candidates of at least 24+ years. Sanders/Jasmine --> Jasmine/AOC --> AOC/???.
The Geronocrats and Republicans had the opportunity to show their worth, and have been found wanting. It is time for some new blood that truly cares about the wellbeing of Americans and the globe.
Use it to make a minerals deal with Ukraine, in lieu of the US. That would discredit Trump, and allow for a lasting trade relationship long after the war is over.
Personally, I am starting to think a nation should have ‘internal’ and ‘external’ currencies. The latter is for engaging in trade between nations and corporations. The internal currency is just to optimize the supply and demand of things between citizens, corporations, and the government, but the income is fixed. This theoretically would prevent inflation, since income doesn’t change for even the most wealthiest members of society.
By doing it this way, the internal currency can have different rules and values from the exterior. What I have in mind is a ‘wealth band’ of sorts, using Universal Ranked Income to make income fixed for a job class. There can be absolute caps on wealth, at $100k for income, savings, and assets. Something like the following:
I think economic reforms have to be also given the Constitution treatment. A lot of this bullshit came about because wealthy people couldn’t help but engage in Gluttony, regardless of the true cost and consequences. Elon simply wasn’t satisfied with his ‘meagre’ level of wealth, and is arranging to murder the poor for the sake of running up a high score.
We need the wealthy, as we know them, to simply cease to exist, while giving UBI to everyone so that even the poorest can skip work to engage in politics. Too much or too little money is dangerous, because it rigs society to favor the very few.
Without economic changes, this crap will simply happen again.
The democracy we knew. Whether there is a new one, depends on us.
Serious question: Has the person with the nuke codes have an independent security detail, and isn’t beholden to any president?
I approve. As an American, I have been trying to swap my savings for Euros, because it feels like that the American Dollar will hyperinflate. However, I have a concern:
Musk is likely to try to install a Muskcoin and create a X Everything app, so that he can control the money of Americans. The EU will need to offer Euro banking services in the Blue States to oppose the establishment of Muskcoin. Also, blacklist American billionaires from European fiscal institutions, such as not accepting the swap of Musk’s dollars for Euros or EU properties.
Good. It is preferable if that organ of conservativism is dragged down when Trump’s ship sinks.