I started with Emby as Jellyfin seemed a little bit daunting to me. I’ve already got qBittorent setup. Thank you for your input!
Thank you! I don’t use Linux but I will try to map it into a Windows version. It looks very comprehensive and like it covers all the bases I want. Appreciate it.
I’ve really just needed to know how to start with the basics and grow from there IF I wanted to not because I thought I HAD to which I did. Now you’ve clarified that it’s really not a necessity that is a load off my mind. Yeah, I’m probably gonna segment my videos a little more than usual as so many of my shows are Anime or Toku that have season after season of shows but I get what you are trying to say. Thank you so much for your input!
Hey, thanks for all the info especially which files to backup for Jellyfin in case of data loss. That will save me a big headache. Not using Linux, gonna be Windows for me as that’s what my desktop is. Docker is probably a good ways down the road. I need to get Jellyfin just right and add all the plug-ins I might want plus get Sonarr, etc. setup also but thanks for all the information. Appreciate it!
Wow, thanks for the incredible amount of information! I really appreciate it. It seems like everyone does something different and it gets to be a headache trying to find the way easiest for me. Yeah, I get what you’re saying about Anime and Toku which is a LOT of what I’m downloading. It’s a real pain, believe me. Plus, I DO want to seed as the torrent’s themselves are like 1.5Tb (seriously) and I don’t have the storage to make a copy of the data and rename. Anyway, again thanks for the input. Wish me luck!
Not using Linux. Window 10. But, thanks, I’ll look at the vids and see if they are helpful.
I don’t have all the *arrs setup. I’m lucky to have gotten Jellyfin setup and working correctly. LOL But, I’ve heard of other people doing some type of *arr backup so if they lose their video, they just go back into the *arrs and do something to get everything downloading again. It’s all a bit over my head.
I’m not really worried as much about the cloud right now as just finding some good hardware to store the data on and cloud comes as last step. Many people seem to endorse BackBlaze’s yearly PC plan so I guess I need to take a look there.
Yup, that’s what I’ve heard. Don’t ever buy more than 1 HDD at the same time from the same place at the same time as you could multiple bad HDDs if there happens to be a “bad batch” so I hear ya’ there. Thanks for the input!
Video, mainly. I have a ton of torrented video and video I need to rip and I’m trying to setup the hardware before starting on the all the processing. Yeah, a lot of it I could redownload ore reprocess but much of it has very few seeders and could disappear at any time so I’d like to keep all I can locally plus it takes sooo long to re-rip 100s of BluRays. Ok, I’ll take a look at the Personal Computer/Flat Fee option for BackBlaze and see what it’s all about. Thanks!
Not familiar with Tailscale but look at Filen. They have an excellent rating on TrustPilot. I don’t know why they aren’t in the major search engines. Maybe too new a service. Don’t know but good luck to you.
Oh definitely. I’m seeking a service that encrypts at the local level before ending sending a byte to the cloud but thank you for the input!
Yes, it’s definitely DAS I’m working towards. I’ve looked at a lot of the Qnap products. I would need one a bit smaller than that due to space constraints but that looks like what I’m going for. I just need to try and get a snapshot of my USB connections to know what connectivity is available. Thank you for the recommendation and input!
Thank you for the input! I’ve had so many good responses and so many things to think about. I’m sure, like you, I’ll probably stumble upon the perfect thing when I least expect it. I’ve looked at the Red drives too and I’ll probably be going with them or the Seagate IronWolf drives. Also, appreciate the input on BackBlaze. A lot of people have recommended that and I’ve got it bookmarked for future reference.
Wow, what an invaluable piece of information. Yes, this will DEFINITELY help cut through the “drive shopping” Thanks for sharing this information!
This is excellent news! I’m looking forward to viewing my current library on the Smart TV again. I’ve been watching YouTube vids on Jellyfin setup and it seems pretty straightforward.
I’ve seen a lot of the Sabrent drive bays on Amazon and wondered if there were any good. They look exactly like what I’m looking for. I’ve just got to be care of ports and knowing what I have and need. Also, maybe not your level of Raid as I want, at least, one drive for backup to be able to take offsite for storage.
Thank you for you response and input!
Noted and added to my “buzzwords” list. Now I can search smarter. Thank you for the response!
Thank you so much for the kinds words!
I graduated in 1992 with a degree in IT but the field seems to move lightyears every year and I’m like, “come again”? when someone tries to help me with hardware.
I agree, knowing where to start has been the hardest part for me. I thought I needed a NAS but really I just need an enclosure with drives in it and I didn’t even know Emby didn’t require a WiFi connection just for both server & client to use the same internet connection. Live and learn, right? :)
I know, it’s so funny, when it hits you, it hits you like a pile of bricks and you’re like OHHHH YEAH! and you NEVER forget it again. Been there and done that.
Again, thank you for the kind words. I tend to be hardest on myself and get frustrated when I just need to ask questions and not be afraid to ask more questions if need be. Best to you!!!
Horders Unite! lol I’d be like you probably if I had what I wanted. I HATE to have to recreate all the hard work I put into my systems and videos. Yeah, I’ve always heard people saying NO, NO, NO RAID for backup so, I guess, no raid.
My only problem is space. I have everything connected in my room, modem, router, phone, desktop, etc. It was how the house was wired and it’s a real mess. I’d have to hang a rank from the ceiling but thank you for the product information and input.
They both use the same Internet source if that’s what you mean. That’s great news! I’m looking at videos on setup right now. Do you happen to know if Jellyfin is natively available for an LG Smart TV or are there “hoops” to jump through to get it on there? Thanks again!
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