This is clearly the stupidest way a type 0 civilization has ever Kessler Syndromed themselves.
This is clearly the stupidest way a type 0 civilization has ever Kessler Syndromed themselves.
And they’d be right. But not for any of the reasons they think. Or motives they think. Or outcomes they think.
Our media is … what is State Media but controlled by oligarchy instead of government? Does that word exist? It definitely exists in German. But im not sure about English.
Race was invented by Europeans to divide the working class against itself.
That worked so well that every capitalist country has gone out of their way to reinforce it ever since.
I like to think i was a pretty sharp kid. I had it figured out at the ripe old age of 11 that if you could freely swap blood and organs between different races of people then there wasn’t enough difference between them to bother mentioning.
Trump only ran to stay out of prison. Now he’s ripping the copper out of the walls to get as much money as he can before it all collapses under his ineptitude.
Elon thinks he’s gonna be a trillionaire at the top of a technofeudal oligarchy. (He wants to be Arasaka from Cyberpunk but he’s gonna have a hard time doing that while all his businesses fail.)
Nobody does class consciousness better than old money.
They know what’s good for them and have no qualms about fucking over millions of people to make it happen.
And thats why we’re cooked folks.
Let em collapse. They all make shit anyway.
Nationalize them after the bankruptcy and keep all the jobs going making economy cars.
Pretty much.
The prius doesn’t deserve that.
He is the couch fucking humanoid manifestation of “Erectile Dysfunction” as a concept.
I am all for it. Gimme Shadowman 3.
I think he’s accelerating the decline of the US empire. And I think a new multipolar world with China taking on a leading role will emerge shortly. Within a few years at latest.
And I think that will be a massive benefit for the world at large. An advanced modern nation with a progressive forward leaning intent. It can only improve on the currently disintegrating unipolar US led world order.
It’s gonna suck here for us in the imperial core. Just ask the older brits who lived thru the deconstruction of the British empire. But our decline will take place in months-years. Not years-decades. This was always going to happen. Never doubt it. But it would have taken decades and been a carefully managed decline as opposed to the swan dive off the cliffs edge we’re seeing.
Believe it or not. There’s as many reasons to own a boat as there are to own a house. And many more uses for a boat.
Weird thing. A boat is much more affordable than a house nowadays. Hell I’d live on a boat. That shit would be awesome.
That seems to be the intention.
As that’s the only logical outcome of this foolishness.
Why show your hand? Idiots.
Gotta protect corporate real estate for some fkin reason.
If he said it, it’s a lie. Or at the very least 100% self serving. And I mean directly. He only puts effort into grift.
If the democratic machine would let him. He’d do a bang up job. But the DNC will mobilize all they have to stop him. Damn the cost. Just as they’ve done in the past.
My ass it is. We’re going the other direction.
Nobody tell him that in Communist China you pay a small land tax once every 70 years or so.
Actually someone do tell him. I bet that little factoid will flip his entire worldview on its head.