I die talking to a manipulative person. This seems doable!
I die talking to a manipulative person. This seems doable!
I don’t think that you have anything to worry about, she looks like she enjoys the attention that you give her. You have a kind soul.
I love these pictures of Sandy, she looks so relaxed. You seem to take great care.
I think that it is exactly the same as before you were born.
To tell the age of any horse Inspect the lower jaw of course; The six front teeth the tale will tell, And every doubt and fear dispel.
Two middle nippers you behold Before the colt is two weeks old; Before eight weeks two more will come Eight months: the corners cut the gum.
At two the middle “Nippers” drop: At three the second pair can’t stop; When four years old the third pair goes, At five a full new set he shows.
The deep black spots will pass from view At six years from the middle two; The second pair at seven years; At eight the spot each corner clears.
From the middle “Nippers” upper jaw At nine the black spots will withdraw. The second pair at ten are bright; Eleven finds the corners light.
As time goes on the horsemen know The oval teeth three-sided grow; Then longer get - project before - Till twenty, when they know no more."
We called it hooping brodies.
When the dog makes the barf noise.
The sweetest compliment I ever got was from my late husband. He told me that my skin was as soft as a pony’s nose. This made me think of him, thank you.
When my late husband said, “why you syphilitic son of a bitch” I knew that he was really angry at someone and if he said “rats in a dishpan” then something just went haywire. He passed away 30 years ago now and I have never heard another person say those things.
Does he not know that he can divorce her!?!
I think that you would just end up with a sticky butt hole.