A large part of your consideration to let you drop it will be how close you are to paying off 20% of the loan’s value. If you’re over 15% and with that history, you’ll have a better chance.
A large part of your consideration to let you drop it will be how close you are to paying off 20% of the loan’s value. If you’re over 15% and with that history, you’ll have a better chance.
Does he own a firearm and did he lie on the federal form? Cause I’m told the GOP cares deeply about this now.
Uhhh…the rest of the world being 30 minutes + however many hours different?
I highly doubt it. Maybe some enshitification, but NASA funding comes from Congress, and provides a LOT of jobs to a lot of different districts. Even in Republican-led legislators it has been funded at good levels, and Trump has repeatedly expressed the desire to return to the moon during his term.
I can’t stand orange man or rocket man, but they do seem to have a desire to return to a space age that is making some progress.
Is it so much to ask that we get a sick EV hot hatch in the US? Killing me here.
This is very common for Muskolini, any press contacts are often let go, makes obtaining damning information impossible/improbable. None of his companies staff a PR department as far as I know. Why anybody puts up with this guy and his companies is beyond me.