Yeah, I think given current trajectories somewhere between RCP 3.4 and 4.5, with emissions peaking around 2050. Given technological and political headwinds, I just can’t see emissions peaking in 2080 or 2100 with growth rates already slowing globally and peaking in North America and Europe
Who wouldve thought hosting COP in a petrostate would’ve led to a conflict of interest!?
I do think insects as an ingredient in other foods, such as crackers, could be a more successful approach in increasing adoption. Taboos will be quite hard to change tho, I agree
Choosing more appropriate crops for specific environments is so important. The State departments VACS initiative is a good start to promoting more resilient crops for Africa.
Some bills republicans are spending their legislative energy on: Liberty in Laundry Act, Refrigerator Freedom Act, Stop Unaffordable Laundry Standards (SUDS) Act.
I especially feel for those who work in government. When the Trump admin placed restrictions on the use of certain terminology, it must really be hard to balance ones need for employment and doing good work and remaining true to scientific principles.
For sure. I think trying to preserve these tools is a bit of a waste of time. But extending their lifespan is always a win in my book
Just look at Missouri, votes for minimum wage increases and an abortion amendment but reelected GOP candidates across the board. The dems lost because of a mix of elitism and the fact that they were governing at a time when incumbants globally are being kicked out due to post-covid economies.