Valve does not limit you in where your game is sold, the publisher of the game has to set this and the publisher for Helldivers 2 is PlayStation Publishing LLC.
Valve does not limit you in where your game is sold, the publisher of the game has to set this and the publisher for Helldivers 2 is PlayStation Publishing LLC.
At least one money?
I don’t know why but something tells me I can’t trusty this person.
Windows OS was the better OS as the time, ran great on low spec hardware, and the tile system and integration of apps was a a lot better than anything Android or iOS has to offer at the time. The downfall was hardly any apps, changing the OS so much every update that the people that were developing left the eco-system because they where fed up of having to change their apps again, and hardly any first party apps. The promise that you could run Android apps on your Windows phone device was never delivered. Also Steve doubling down that he was too busy to use apps so why would you want them on your phone thing.
I still love my Lumia and turn in on from time to time
The ink can dry out or some contaminant can get on the ball and preventing it from rolling. What I usually do is run the ball along the sole of my shoe (or use anything that has high friction material) 9 times out of 10 it makes the pen work again.