I didn’t say anything against organizing? I have something against petty bourgeois libs spouting bullshit in the media and not doing anything useful. I applaud people actually organizing, especially those in labor (unions)!
Belgian, libertarian-marxist, political philosopher, civil servant, cat-dad.
Long live the Red Republic!
Mastodon: @mysteriarch@climatejustice.social
I didn’t say anything against organizing? I have something against petty bourgeois libs spouting bullshit in the media and not doing anything useful. I applaud people actually organizing, especially those in labor (unions)!
I did - all these types of ‘backlash against Trump’ that are being reported on are mostly hot air.
Sure, but usually, like here, it’s limited to some social media and press moments. Liberal posturing doesn’t stop fascists. I hope there’s better organizing happening on the ground, but I’m not seeing much from where I am in Europe.
“Widespread backlash” isn’t really something that has any repercussions to him, his entourage or his base.
For some less optimistic, but still combative climate literature:
Climate Change as Class War, by Matthew T. Huber
Slow Down, by Kohei Saito
and right now I’m reading I Want a Better Catastrophe, by Andrew Boyd, and so far it’s interesting (and accessible).
Ah yes, that’ll do it
Why? That seems like a great addition to his resume in this administration?
Anger and hate are not the same. Anger can be a healthy emotion to signal your (personal) boundaries. Not feeling hate is admirable and I think it’s entirely possible, sure.
Our national news service had the balls to end their reporting on this news on a (techno)optimistic note, that everything will be fine if we just make a little effort. Scandelous and willful negligence.
Many of those terrible people don’t give you the same courtesy though…
I already quit many corporate social media platforms in the years before, switching to decentralized alternatives for some of them (Mastodon mainly), but was still active on Reddit somehow. Then during the Reddit blackout protest, it was as good a time as any to check out and switch to Lemmy. Its downsides for me are also part of the upside: there is no endless scrolling to be done.
Can confirm: it’s a great game and really worth it! Loved the dark atmosphere as well.
cough class war is a leftist struggle But yeah, let’s hope this makes some on the right see the light where their real interests lie.
I think both are quite unhelpful. Mocking him doesn’t do anything to him or his base. Worse, it often takes the form of ableism and then you’re just hurting people around you. Organizing does. It’s the only thing the ruling elites fear. Join a protest, a union, a strike, and get more people involved.