• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2024


  • On taking office, Nixon established the Council of Urban Affairs, under the leadership of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, to develop a welfare reform proposal. Moynihan’s proposed plan centered on replacing welfare programs with a negative income tax, which would provide a guaranteed minimum income to all Americans. Nixon became closely involved in the proposal and, despite opposition from Arthur Burns and other conservatives, adopted Moynihan’s plan as the central legislative proposal of his first year in office. In an August 1969 televised address, Nixon proposed the Family Assistance Plan (FAP), which would establish a national income floor of $1600 per year for a family of four.

    Taken from his Wikipedia. Nixon. I mean how far the bar has dropped.

  • You always believe the latest thing presented to you, no matter how ridiculous. It was obviously the very same time travelers who masquerade as pyramid building aliens, whom are also responsible for Winnipeg, the Harlem shake, and the noble platypus. Getting all willy nilly with the coconuts, fuckin degens.

  • I wanna take a minute to plug criterion channel. Objectively the value is worse than Netflix. But they have an amazing collection of films nonetheless. I put their 24/7 channel on and just watch whatever is on. Never in a million years thought I would be into classic French cinema.

    On a side rant fuck the French and their films! They drop you right into a situation with no clear good or bad guys. The films have meandering plots that go nowhere because why would they!?!? At the end there’s no resolution, just an empty chasam in your soul you’ve somehow overlooked your entire existence. And the worst part is they just put “fin” up on the screen and that’s that. Fuckin foreign nonsense

    There’s all sorts of treasures, may be worth a peek.