Thanks! I’m familiar with the site but hadn’t considered posting questions there. I guess I’m at the point where I want and need to get into the technical stuff. It’s been quite a journey
Thanks! I’m familiar with the site but hadn’t considered posting questions there. I guess I’m at the point where I want and need to get into the technical stuff. It’s been quite a journey
That’s totally fair; this is less privacy and more technical/tinkering. I feel like I don’t have the skills to do the tinkering needed to continue on my privacy goals.
And I do like to tinker- but only on certain things. I want my stuff to work unless it is a particular project.
Idk I just feel a large void of ignorance when I’m deciding what to do next in terms of my personal tech. Maybe it’s just a lack of confidence and experience.
Should I just do internet searches for these things? Like “flashing ddwrt to asus router”
And I don’t need to know the ip stack- but I’d like to have a better understanding
I didn’t read this whole infographic, or check the page numbers.
I feel the employment protection for federal employees is likely to have long lasting negative, or even catastrophic, impacts. If a federal employee who, for example, develops public messaging about healthcare issues does not follow policy directives from the executive branch, they can be just shit canned. This allows political motivation of whichever party occupies the White House to override science based policy and the best interests of the public.
Now extend this to building codes; low income rentals could be built with safety as a low priority. Or food and drug regulations, forget gmo, we’ll be rinsing off poison pesticides if we’re lucky enough to have safe water.
Now; if you were a subject matter expert in let’s say, rural water resources and treatment; would you rather take a lower salary to work in the public sector and be fired when you don’t endanger a whole geographic population? Or keep that decent professor job, or take a fat paycheck to work in the private sector?
No one of any talent in the stem fields will consider federal jobs for the foreseeable future. The one benefit of government work, besides respectable benefits, is it’s damn near impossible to get fired- it’s a very stable albeit low paying position.
Shits fucked
I think some people believe that this is a single event; like they get your email and that’s it. They don’t realize or care that it is a constant ongoing collection of any and all possible information that is held by a company whose motive is profit. These companies are associating ip addresses with devices and activities all the time. Turns out the older your data the less it is worth. Stop when you can- even if it’s a slow process. Privacy is a human right
I like Doctorow, and these point are valid. I just don’t see the American government doing anything to benefit the people, regardless of left or right orientation. Most Americans want abortion access and reasonable restrictions on gun sales; I can’t imagine any candidates, local or federal doing little more than making empty promises on these subjects. Even Obama care is a hugely compromised husk of reasonable healthcare for all, and you still have republicans clamoring to dismantle it.
I hate to be pessimistic, but I don’t think any American politician would take on this topic.
Idk why you got downvotes, I appreciate your answers