If the American people had any sense they would cut the heads off their new kings.
If the American people had any sense they would cut the heads off their new kings.
A FOSS browser has and never will require collecting user data.
This should not happen at all.
If every year we ripped the richest person on earth into pieces like a piñata and spread their wealth around, do you think they would still pursue enough excess money to break our global economy?
American Christians think Jesus will come back if they help the Zionists erase the Palestinians.
People love get rich quick schemes too much to let monopoly money lose value.
Unfortunately they won’t leave power until they’re dead
Hell yeah make them afraid
Wow I’ve never heard someone say that on Lemmy before.
That was really funny and original.
At least our transformation into reddit is going well if people upvote these cringe ass airport comments.
At least the price of eggs went down…
They’re only $7 per dozen!
“Those who make peaceful protest impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” -JFK
“Riots are the voice of the unheard.” -MLK
The American people are going to skin them alive and redistribute the wealth of their doners.
“Just a matter of when”
It’s no different than reddit, DIGG, or the Something Awful forums before they got popular.
Is the Genevieve AI enabled by default?
After opening the notepad app does it ask you for that login?
Is your access to notepad restricted by the login?
There’s a reason they call it wage slavery
The DNC needs to die and make room for a leftist party
If we end capitalism then human life has intrinsic value again instead of a sticker price
He’s been impeached, he didn’t quit
There are better decentralized alternatives to this site that aren’t controlled by corporate interests that function almost identically to this site.
If we post about it then we get banned tho.
I think i can postt this:
I actually did this at my US college.
I could take the bus which went 1 mile in 5 min which stopped outside my student apt complex.
Or I could walk for 45min along sidewalks around a couple city blocks and effectively walk like 4 miles to go one mile because there was no direct walking path through the residential neighborhood between my apartment and my college.
I wish I was lying