29 days ago(Others being unsolicited photos of medical waste)
(Others being unsolicited photos of medical waste)
Democrats lost because they didn’t embrace populist rhetoric.
If they just ran someone like Bernie they could have won. People are tired of the status quo and they thought Trump would be a way out of it. All democrats run on is “we’ll keep things the same”.
I used to be a person that believed very strongly in freedom of speech and that anything which was categorized as a philosophy or belief shouldn’t be censored.
However, after seeing how hard fascism has taken hold in America, I’m beginning to change my mind.
Sometimes it is necessary for the long term good of humanity. Saying ‘we can’t use authoritarianism to beat authoritarians’ is the logic that got the nazis in power in Germany. The nazis should have been crushed early on, but instead liberals just kept appeasing them.