It’s more like: “Americans who support Ukraine… but couldn’t be bother voting”
It’s more like: “Americans who support Ukraine… but couldn’t be bother voting”
Where? how do you know? how does the rest of the world find out about these?
I’m I don’t know… Muricans elected donald knowing full well what he was about to do…
I am certain trump is dumb and evil… I am NOT certain this is not what Muricans wanted
You know the racist stereotype of the tequila drunken mexican snooozing under the shade of a cactus?.. trump is the equivalent for americans now
If you are waiting for that, you are already defeated
You need to take to the street NOW and enact a national strike
Is there a better representation of the american people who couldn’t be bothered voting in the first place??
No, you need to take to the streets and stop this madness RIGHT NOW
You are watching your house on fire and saying “well we done fucked up, maybe we’ll sleep it off and come next week with some water”
You will not have a country to save in 2 yers and hoping on the midterms is like curing cancer with thoughts and prayers
Enjoy fun?? Pftt grow up
And pay $1,540 extr in actual income tax
Plenty of people here had declared not voting because of some lme excuse
Hey Muricans, this is what you wanted and voted for (or could’t be bother voting to prevent)… enjoy
or, hit the streets and remove the fascist gov you elected
I’d never want to pay 2,500 for a phone… tht’s just insane
Common sense is trump’s foe… anyone with a lick of it is basically a sworn enemy
By the party of law and order
most of you decided voting was too much of hassle
If that were the absolute truth as you present it, many of the other, also publicly traded companies would not have dropped DEI like it’s a sandwich full of ants
what’s “stunning” about the statement?
All I saw was:
Oh come on… they delayed every step of the way until Trump won again and now claim they cannot impose any sentence
also, it absolutely is the judicial branch’s responsibility to prosecute crimes… that is why gov attorneys are referred to as “prosecutors”
Thanks for the links!.. definitely a balm on the shattered trust in the American people