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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2025


  • Look, I don’t believe in free will. I don’t think wanting others to suffer for being “bad” is a rational mentality. (I agree with Robert Sapolsky) But I’m also not a rational being, I’m human and my emotions tell me “Fuck these assholes” and I’m tired of trying to be above it all. Especially, after this recent election. And at this point I can’t help but be indifferent to their suffering at best.

    I’m just going to avoid them like the plague. I owe them nothing and I can’t waste my life trying to bring horses to water when I know they wont drink. Or swimming up a political waterfall by trying to organize them.

  • HalfSalesman@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    2 days ago

    How many miles on it? Because if it’s low mileage 7k is a steal.


    I don’t know that I’d suggest a car that old as a daily driver for someone that doesn’t do their own repairs. Old cars are always going to need a lot of repairs.

    Yeah that’s what I kind of told him, its age was a concern to me but he said that while I wasn’t the ideal user, that it’d probably still serve me well as long as I take care of it because he said old Hondas are very reliable. He was insistent it was the best option out of the cars we were looking at. He also loves Hondas though so I’m wondering if he was a tad biased and it was really just a car he’d like.

    I’ll say I do feel some level of responsibility to making sure its taken care of because its like a cool old car and IDK if I want that sense of responsibility. But I also really don’t want to go car shopping again.

  • I’m sorry, through some unfortunate events, I currently live in redneck land. There are some decent people here but they are a minority and usually people who are young/born there or too poor to escape (me).

    The vast majority of people here choose to live in the middle of nowhere however and it shows. They’re paranoid, stupid, delusional, prejudiced, etc. Every time I’ve tried friendly conversations with them at various watering holes, they end up disliking me for bullshit prejudicial reasons. They literally tell me that I’m showing off by using big words or say I’m a weakling faggot or whatever else.

    I commute into a small city for work for a pretty humdrum low paying office job and the people here are a million fucking times nicer and smarter and just as “working class” as the rural chuds.

  • HalfSalesman@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    2 days ago

    I made a spreadsheet to compare cheapo cars. Then my brother, who is a car person, went with me to car shop and insisted I buy a '92 Honda Prelude that was in pristine looking condition for 7k. He was very insistent that it was a steal even if I needed to put another couple grand to fix it up, so I bought it.

    Unfortunately, I have indeed needed to put more money into it, its currently in the shop right now in fact.

    I’ve never owned a fast car before, I’ll admit its a fun car to drive. All my previous cars were boring A to B basic cars. I wish it’s cruise control worked (still can’t figure out why it wont), that it had come with cup holders, and that its speakers weren’t so tinny.

  • I already knew I was autistic I got diagnosed like 10 years ago as an adult, but I had never taken the test in question (Cat-Q) and I guess I kinda figured my autism was “light” or something. I think the test’s questions were very effective at breaking through high masking so that’s why I scored so heavily autistic and it kind of struck me so hard it made me cry. Masking is exhausting and at this point I can’t really “stop” its so ingrained.

    For me I don’t think there is anything intrinsically wrong with me but I think some aspects of it fueled some really stifling early life decisions that kept me from growing (before I learned I was autistic) and now I feel like I’m permanently “behind” socially/developmentally. Part of that also I think might have been how subtly conservative and judgemental a lot of culture I absorbed was as a kid that I ended up assuming everyone thought I was a dorky loser so I avoided people I thought were “cool” to a degree. I still feel like I can’t relate to people my own age and that’s been the case since I was like 8 and its still the case in my 30’s. It makes me sad about what I’ve missed out on and makes me worry about my future.

    EDIT: I just retook it, I scored a 149, for context average male non-autistic scores are 96.89, for autistic men the average is 109.64.

  • HalfSalesman@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.world"Politics"
    3 days ago

    I’ll take my downvotes, but while I agree with the sentiment in this particular comic I have no fucking interest in seeing shitty pizzacake and her no-punchline comics or her army of sycophants here on Lemmy.


    I will never understand why some of you insist on bringing the garbage we left Reddit to escape over here to Lemmy. Let pizzacake have her tiny window of microcelebrity on reddit and please spare the rest of us this bullshit.

    We kimosabe? I left Reddit because because its rapidly becoming a rightwing hellhole and it’s inevitable enshitification due to being centralized and privately owned. Go create your own circlejerk club lemmy instance that hates pizzacake. Or just filter it.

    Or IDK, downvote and move on. Lambasting a comic book artist in the comments because you see them as undeserving of their success is aggressively elitist hipster douchebaggery.

    You should be like me and make everyone hate you for reasons that matter (Telling them their politics and philosophy is shit and stupid) and not arbitrary culture in-group-out-group elitism.

  • How influential are these moderates at this point? If the DNC leadership is still paying attention to them, they are pants on head retarded.

    Leftwing people don’t fucking vote in primaries. People don’t vote third party enough for it to act as anything but a spoiler benefiting fascists. Realistically the US military would turn people into a bloody paste if we attempted to rebel.

    And now we might not even get elections in the future because we have authoritarians in charge ripping the functions and institutions of the government itself to shreds. Like… we are so fucking screwed.

  • I took one of those autism tests and I can’t remember off the top of my head what the score was but it was very high which both surprises and doesn’t surprise me. I mask extremely well according to most people I meet. Telling me “You seem normal” or even “You aren’t autistic”.

    I’ve only had two people tell me “It’s obvious” ever, my mom and a single friend of mine.

    But holy hell all the other autism personality/psychological aspects are like cranked up to 100 and I have a love/hate relationship with that. Hyperfocus is a double edged sword for instance. I love that I can get super into something and get really fucking good at it but I don’t love obsessing over the same thing for months to the point of it keeping me awake at night and hurting other aspects of my life because I can’t change mental direction.

    It also isn’t good for social anxiety, way too much rumination on single awkward conversations MAKE IT STOP.

  • Yikes. Relax, brother.

    Relaxing seems more or less impossible given the state of the world and in particular the state of the country I live in.

    I have no angle. I simply inquired into your assessment of our situation.

    You asked me a question that was clearly implying an attack on my character. If that wasn’t your intention I think you phrased your post egregiously poorly.

    The reason I ask is because I see quite a number of people saying that it’s “everyone else’s fault for being immoral and stupid”, and I believe we should be looking more inward, or at least assigning fault to the ones who are responsible (the “powers that be if you will) instead of pointing the finger at our fellow brothers and sisters.

    Inward: I know I have absolutely no desire to participate in a civil war, or experience fascism and the death of democracy in the US. I worked hard to try and help bring about an election result that would prevent dooming the earth.

    Powers that be: You mean conservative/centrist democrats? My hatred for them is very intense. But they aren’t people who choose to, through inaction, allow fascism to win. They just legitimately and unironically thought centrism and status quo politics would win them the election. They’re greedy, arrogant, and retarded but they thought they were going to stop fascism with more status quo liberalism.

    There are a few staunch centrists that have even admitted that they should have moved leftward. Even that fucking piece of shit James Carville admitted to that. To bad its too late. Stupid fucking losers.

    The non-voters demonstrated actual apathy towards the possibility of fascism winning. I don’t know that I can really forgive them, my disgust for “I don’t care who fascism hurts” is too intense to worry about how smug and also dumb liberals are.

    Now, would the democrats have tried left populism if they saw it was their only way to win? Probably. It certainly seemed like Harris early in her campaign was moving in that direction before the democratic consultants showed up and they started wasting their time courting moderate republicans and pushing a weak watered down message.

    But, this is just my opinion. And you are entitled to yours.

    We are also entitled to critique opinions. Letting opinions be spouted without challenge has consequences. Though I’ll concede I don’t know how much it matters anymore to me considering how doomer I am now.

    If you want to discuss further, there is no need for the ad hominem attacks 🙂.

    I wasn’t doing ad hominem, I was impugning your intentions and suggesting you were bad faith.

  • What’s your angle? Insecurity or propaganda? Trying to guilt trip me for having a negative evaluation of the average person?

    Maybe you aren’t part of the majority of people I think of as moronic, I don’t know you in particular, but the question you are asking sounds like maybe you are worried that you would be. TBH, you probably aren’t significantly worse than average by the mere metric of being able to read and write, depressing knowing how many functionally illiterate people there are.

    Of course, go ahead and think I’m actually the stupid one if it makes you feel better, I literally don’t care about that. I care about becoming smarter and more correct perhaps, not what you think of my intellect now.

  • Because most people are either stupid, evil, or stupid and evil.

    I don’t know what the solution is, I can only hope its mostly just the “extreme ignorance” type of stupidity and not evil or “willing ignorance” stupidity and after experiencing the suffering they’ve enabled for themselves that they put 2 and 2 together and things maybe recover partially or enough to prevent the end of human civilization as we know it.