She’s dead, so this only deepens my curiosity.
Who in the sweet fuck is boning to Barry Manilow?!
You have great reaction memes, and I’m shamelessly harvesting them.
I would agree with this sentiment, but that doesn’t make this advice less valuable. If we want things to change, we have to be willing to change ourselves. Advice on how to make those changes is bound to make us uncomfortable.
Good on you, my friend. This is inspirational.
I work in an office providing customer support for a small pet food manufacturer. I assist customers over the phone, email, and a live chat function on our website. So many people assume I’m AI in chat, which makes sense. A surprising number think I’m a bot when they call in, because I guess my voice sounds like a recording.
Most of the time it’s just a funny moment at the start of our interaction, but especially in chat, people can be downright nasty. I can’t believe the abuse people hurl out when they assume it’s not an actual human on the other end. When I reply in a way that is polite, but makes it clear a person is interacting with them, I have never gotten a response back.
It’s not a huge deal, but it still sucks to read the nasty shit people say. I can also understand people’s exhaustion with being forced to deal with robots from my own experiences when I’ve needed support as a customer. I also get feedback every day from people thankful to be able to call or write in and get an actual person listening to and helping them. If we want to continue having services like this, we need to make sure we’re treating the people offering them decently so they want to continue offering that to us.
As opposed to? Doing the thing we screamed about MAGAs doing? People expect a lot out of Biden here, which is funny since so many people couldn’t get off their asses and vote to prevent this from happening.
I used to work in veterinary medicine, and there are plenty of vaccine conspiracies in the pet owning community. They cause everything from seizures, to allergies, to autoimmune diseases, and more, according to some of these people. Breeders are a huge contributor to this, which leads to plenty of arguments with vets and pets running around unvaccinated.
It’s expensive to get litters of puppies vaccinated, and whackadoodle (I used “doodle” for a reason) theories are a great cover for why you are sending home a puppy with zero medical history outside of hand written worming dates. Unfortunately, it’s harder to educate people when it’s way cheaper to believe bullshit.
Honestly? I’ll take the coverage however we can get it. I am a frequent NPR listener, and some of their more niche programs are covering this with sincerity. Let’s keep the conversation going.