If every version of you present on a jury could be replaced with someone like me, the justice system would probably function better than it does now.
Get fucked, bootlicker.
If every version of you present on a jury could be replaced with someone like me, the justice system would probably function better than it does now.
Get fucked, bootlicker.
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It absolutely is considered goading. If lifting your shirt to reveal a gun holstered can be considered a threat (one that police can legally shoot you over) then carrying a rifle at a protest and starting shit with the protestors is also a threat.
He didn’t go there to make his voice heard — he went there to intimidate and kill.
People attacked him because he had a big gigantic deadly gun and was goading a literal angry mob with the gun.
It’s now more clear to me than ever that you are intentionally acting in bad faith. What is wrong with you?
Orchestrating a scenario in which the only possible outcome is self-defense by deadly force sounds an awful lot like premeditated murder, to me. I think you should reevaluate what you consider pedantry.
Violent bloodthirsty evil thug, then. Is that better for you, Herr Pedant?
Rittenhouse was not a cop, he was a douchebag little shit stirrer with a murder fantasy, and he got exactly what he wanted — a fun murder spree killing liberals with no consequences.
I’m not going to coordinate an effort to lynch the piece of shit, but spreading bullshit about how “he’s not a murderer,” like what you’re doing, is disingenuous at best. Kindly, shut the fuck up
A hunter in the woods lays a trap. A coyote walks by and gets its foot caught in the trap. The hunter approaches and the coyote bites the hunter.
You feel the coyote was unjustified?
I remember when I was a freshman in high school, I worked at a McDonald’s. For whatever reason, I owned a Burger King t shirt. As a 14 year old, I thought it would be funny to wear the Burger King shirt to work. I figured it would annoy my boss and might get a few reactions out of other people. It didn’t work, but there were no real consequences because of it.
You really can’t see how Rittenhouse did a similar thing? He went to a protest knowing he was diametrically opposite, politically, to people actually protesting and he did it with a big ass gun. Like my Burger King t shirt, this was very clearly sending a message of “I am your enemy.” And the message wasn’t on a harmless shirt, it was on a deadly big ass gun.
You really truly believe he had no intention of killing? Are you dumb?
Fighting back against a perceived threat does not automatically grant the threat justification in their violent actions, nor does it remove legitimacy from the coyote for defending itself from a perceived threat.
Rittenhouse entered the woods, laid a trap, approached the trapped animal, was bitten, and shot the trapped animal. Then he said “It was self defense! They were hunting me!”
It’s ludicrous that this was upheld in court.