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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2024


  • I do not mean that automobiles are not Innovation. I just wanted to underline that your view on medicine Innovation being just a further evolution of already existing medicine and is therefore not Innovation or original sounds in my (scientist) ears exactly as if one would claim cars are nothing new because we had bycicles with wheels already.

    Of course cars and planes are big Innovations. But so is New medinice (and also other sciences). Completely New concepts. Its just very hard to grasp if you havent studied it.

  • I understand your question wanting to know about New big shit. But if you say all inventions in medince in the past decades is “just” a little improvement of existing medicine but not Innovation, then your examples oft cars and airplanes are not invention either but just a little improvemenrt of mobility. Bikes and trains existed before wie had mobility it just got faster, and a few nore wheels and wings.

    Ill think the Problem why medicine and science Innovation in General is not perceived as that dramatifc is because you need to be a scientist (or really read yourself Into it) to understand. The incredible steps forward wee make are so complex it cannot be explained to the General public anymore.

    You See the big obvious stuff (Gravitation, electricity) wie know now. You cannot write a PhD thesis anymore discovering electricity or evolution.

    Nowadays PhD thesis are about inventing nanoparticless in a way they only go to a very specific tissue type (cancerous) to destroy it there locally. Anymore Detail Into this requirees extensive research. But its still super innovative.

  • I know what you speak of. I am of course unhappy or disappointed or frustrated ih certain situation, but really rarely angry. In those rare situations its usually not longer than 5 to 10 min. In situations my friends are angry I am more often sad. Only once in my life (let’s say after 5yo) I shouted at someone - to defend a good friend who was treated incredibly unjust. That’s 17 years ago…

    I never hated anyone. I think I could hate some politicians but I know them not personally so I cannot have that much emotion for them. For people I know I always have explanations for their behavior keeping me from being angry about them. Still wanting excusions so I am not excusing them for their actions but knowing (or thinking I know) why they behave like they do I cannot be angry. I think its too much emapthy in my case?