Haha, you had that Lower Decks reference picked out as you were posting this, didn’t you. 😁
Haha, you had that Lower Decks reference picked out as you were posting this, didn’t you. 😁
I was thinking to myself, simple???
I don’t know man, the rate we’re going 2044 ain’t lookin too good…
A nice cabbage soup in a crock pot is always nice, and freezes well. https://www.iheartnaptime.net/cabbage-soup/#recipe
Thanks, my mistake. So much shit going on its tough to keep it all straight.
Looks like a different judge did block them, for now
nobody buys worthless shit quite like the Americans
Woo hoo, we’re #1 baby!!!
I’ve been doing this since I started driving.
Car is half gone in the rear view mirror, it’s half in the side mirror.
Car is half gone in the side mirror, it’s half in my peripheral vision.
My brother HATES it, always adjusts my mirrors. I set them back and constantly test them to make sure.
As a side note, I still always check my blind spots because motorcycles can still hide and, well, it’s just common sense to double check.
Eh buckle this…
Ludicrous speed, GO!!!
Too much credit, cause even a broken clock is right twice a day
I’m surprised the magnets don’t work for you. I use magnets when sous viding all the time and they always do the trick. Maybe they’re not strong enough?
I’m confident US has no such planes
This is just peak ignorance. A quick search says the US has 200-300 firefighting planes and even lists 6 different varieties.
Out of all the disturbing comments in this thread, this one gets to me the most, especially saying it’s like a sous vide.
I love cooking my chicken in a sous vide, but you do it low and slow, 145 degrees for about 2 and a half hours.
Excellent article on it here: https://www.seriouseats.com/the-food-lab-complete-guide-to-sous-vide-chicken-breast
If you have one of these machines, I highly recommend trying it this way. Give it a quick sear in some cast iron after.
Shame that mirror in the background wasn’t better angled 😉
Us child free Gen Xers on the other hand…
The Flintstones taught me they are also excellent for mixing concrete