Makes sense but I bought a new router not long ago. Need the money for buying some storage for the nas I’m looking to setup.
Makes sense but I bought a new router not long ago. Need the money for buying some storage for the nas I’m looking to setup.
I’ve got a spare router lying around. I’ll give this a try.
So I don’t have to install a wifi card or dongle in every old pc I’m stuffing around with.
I test drove a Hyundai and was ready to buy. The sales person told me I had to put down a deposit before we could talk about a price.
I told them where to go, and that they weren’t selling exclusive vehicles here. There are plenty of places to buy a Hyundai.
Ended up at a vw dealer and left with a 1 year old tiguan instead of a new tuscon, much nicer car to be honest. They did me a favour I guess.
If I can’t get it going reusing stuff i already own I’ll look into something like this. Thank you.