Regarding banking app, check 's list.
Regarding Pixel, don’t see it as giving money to Google, see it as payingnfor good hardware.
Regarding banking app, check 's list.
Regarding Pixel, don’t see it as giving money to Google, see it as payingnfor good hardware.
Banking apps works for me, they have a list at check that out first.
MicroG doesn’t have as much compatibility as Sandboxed Pkay. Also I think LineageOS is not as patched and kept up to date, maybe try DivestOS or CalyxOS (both forks of Lineage)
Cellebrite and the new Grayjack or something both has zero ways to crack a GOS phone 🔥
Did you fix VoLTE stuff? What was the issue?
Cool! How would you compare it to iOS experience?
Yeah it’s ironic but what is the alternative? At least we CAN remove Google’s known spyware from the device, and there’s no evidence of firmware level spying. If you get Samsung, or some chinese crap, you can’t remove Google period, and you might get spied by the manufacturer as a cherry on top. There is no way to have a perfect solution, well unless Samsung starts to provide Custom ROM support or something.