Sure. But perhaps not giving it any value could also be a strong point. The fact that it was so senseless made it all the more painful, to me. I honestly hurt more for that death than any other in the books.
Sure. But perhaps not giving it any value could also be a strong point. The fact that it was so senseless made it all the more painful, to me. I honestly hurt more for that death than any other in the books.
To me it just felt like the unfairness of real life. Sometimes people get a shit hand of cards at life, and their death is just quiet and pointless and has no sense or reason to it.
Sirius Black in Harry Potter. I had to go back and reread the paragraph several times, then put the book down. Seemed just so unfair.
“But in that kind of world, this type of murderer wouldn’t exist in the first place.”
Yes, thank you for saying this.
My husband loves iPhones and all things Apple. He’s adorable. Every update he’s like, “Look at this new great things we can do!”. Confused me: “that’s been an option on android for like, 10 years…”
My bf is convinced I have/had feelings for some other guys. Keeps pressing the issue and “Why can’t you just admit it?”. I can’t admit something that isn’t true…
“Human Beings”, like the Greendale mascot.