I’m so sorry your friend is going through that. Unfortunately, generational trauma is real and its slows if not full on stops progress. I hold this same sort of hypothesis for the education system. Why teachers continue to repeat the mistakes of the past and continue to use teacher-centered strategies despite most teachers believing in student-centered philosophies. We model our behavior off of those before us, and that leads us to make the same mistakes as them. Slowly shedding one or two things, but holding the majority. It requires an insane amount of deprogramming and self-reflection that we are not trained to do. I hope your friend is able to get away from all that toxicity and find a happy and healthy relationship. For their own sake, but also for future generations to learn from and hopefully we can collectively as a society work to break down these toxic habits
If tankies and liberals would stop stabbing us in the back, then maybe us anarchists would stop infighting with them. Look at any anarchist history and it almost always is anarchists joining some sort of popular front, and then the statists backstabbing us the first opportunity they get. Spanish Civil War and the Ukrainian War for Independence being two perfect examples.
Personally I still work with statists, because I know I won’t get far organizing if I entirely avoid them. But I keep them at arms length cause I’m not letting those leopards anywhere near my face.