Well, that’s Step 3 in certain dire circumstances; except they end up sorry in hell. Most hope it never gets to that extreme.
Well, that’s Step 3 in certain dire circumstances; except they end up sorry in hell. Most hope it never gets to that extreme.
Scientist already have proven there’s no advantage and were testing athletes in sports for hormone levels, muscle atrophy and bone mass loss that happen when on HRT (which is why even the most famous trans women never dominated year after year, because the tests showed they were at normal female levels)… Peer reviewed scientists > you and your biased sources
Step 1) Be entitled
Step 2) Have politicians whine that you’re entitled
Step 3) Remind them physically that you’re entitled to be entitled or they’ll be sorry
Step 4) Profit
Yep, basically. How it’s gonna go: instead of basing the transplant triage on morals, priority and the respect of human life as being priceless and equal, the AI will base it on your occupation within society, age, sex and how much money you make for the rich overlords if you recover. Fuck that noise.