Would be awesome if Freetube could automatically check if the video exists on Odysee and play it from there if YT copy is unavailable or blocked.
Really glad I do not have a google account and avoid all of their services. 🙂
Bitcoin Cash is open to all ideas, if transaction volume cannot maintain the miners then a tail emission will be considered.
The most important factor is scaling which BCH is the best at, miner income is irrelevant if ony 1 million people can use the network, and BCH is set to scale.
BCH is the way to go as the community has the will to make it work as a currency for the world.
It looks like they voluntarily submitted to it, they may have partnered with some liquidity provider and KYC was a condition. Hopefully it gets forked.
Yes I do that as well, but this was a real atomic DEX which supported hundreds of coins. They decided to bend the knee to try and attracts “large professional liquidity”. When will people learn going KYC defeats 90% of the purpose of cryptocurrency?
I am glad people are starting to ask theese questions. This is where Bitcoin Cash comes in. It is methodically designed to scale to world level usage, just as Bitcoin was supposed to do. It can already handle 10 million transactions per day and tests have been done up to 1GB blocks on micro hardware. (https://read.cash/@mtrycz/how-my-rpi4-handles-mining-1gb-blocks-e5d09d83)
BCH has also done away with blocksize limits and implemented an adaptive algorithm (ABLA) to match blockspace with infrastructure, TX volume, and other dynamics. There is also work going on regarding miner validated UTXO commitments which would allow for decentralization and security while keeping only a small percentage of the chain.
Can Bitcoin Cash scale technically to global reserve currency?
Yes, Odysee is much better than YT, they will not block you for using a VPN and you can use burner a email to sign up. They also do not have annoying ads every 3 minutes, they have zero ads. Sad that so many creators refuse to post their content on other platforms and continue to support YT’s tyrannical monopoly. Still there is a pretty good selection on there.
I think you may be a bit off the mark on that prediction. Bastyon already has an order of magnitude more users than Lemmy.
This is only the website, there are also ~100k app users.
what advantages does it have over hosting your own fedi server
Specifically in the context of this post you cannot be forced to collect any data on users or be prosecuted for not collecting because you are not hosting accounts, they are on-schain. Fedi is a very different type of platform and not really a direct alternative. Bastyon is trying to compete with twitter mainly IMO.
You do not get any special access or control by hosting a server because it is just a node that relays data. This makes the network more robust and faster as a user’s app will connect to the fastest nodes for a better experience.
Here is an in-depth article about the platform
How does Bastyon work? - https://bastyon.com/help?page=faq
You do not understand the platform and are speaking out of ignorance. You do not need to run a node to use the platform and no one can stop you from joining.
If you run a node you participate in the network, your user does not reside or originate from your node it is distributed as all metadata is stored on chain.
Maybe it’s not for you, no one is forcing you to use it, it is not all about you.
A woman protesting an oppressive regime with her posts may find it is the only safe place without getting her identity reported back to the oppressive state as all corporate owned platforms would do.
Good job looking into it a bit instead of freaking out like most others on here. It is running and working and has been for over 6 years if I am not mistaken, it was named pocketnet previously.
Users do not have to pay to publish. Advertisers can pay to boost content and get visibility. There are many people dedicated to free speech and anti-censorship so they will continue to run nodes even if they are not turning a profit. At this point nodes stake coins and earn rewards, not sure of the long term tokenomics, have not gone super deep on it.
If they pass a law that social media platforms need to collect ID the instance you run will have to collect ID or shut down. No single entity runs Bastyon and no ID laws can be enforced.
The website is just a fronted, it is not running the platform. If the website is shut down you can still access the platform via the open source app, it cannot be stopped.
No, it is not. Mastodon is federated, this means your account is owned by the instance owner and can be banned. Bastyon is decentralized meaning there is no owner, your content can be blocked if there is a report and a random jury of high reputation users unanimously agrees that rules have been violated.
Mastodon is only federated, this means your account is owned by the instance owner and can be banned. Bastyon is decentralized meaning there is no owner, your content can be blocked if there is a report and a random jury of high reputation users unanimously agrees that rules have been violated.
It is a place of free speech. The only rules are, no porn, drugs, or threats. You can block users if you want.
The point is that it is not owned by any corporation and it is run by a network of nodes which are not easily shut down.
They do, the website is just a portal to the network for exposure. Using the app is the real Bastyon.
Good luck, we now have Bastyon, fully decentralized twitter style platform. It’s over.
BTC is actually very weak, with only a capacity of 7 transactions per seconds it has become a Ponzi style scheme. It is not really usable for anything. Number goes up because the majority has not yet figured this out, the music will stop eventually.
Bitcoin Cash on the other hand is actively working to become money for the world with endless functionality, all with tiny fees and massive scale capability.