lol I did not think about pink eye or consequences from sharing of the device. I’m happy to hear the technology exists though.
lol I did not think about pink eye or consequences from sharing of the device. I’m happy to hear the technology exists though.
I loved being in a single player game and contributing to roads, bridges and stuff, and being able to yell out “My names Sam!” Or responding “Hey my names Sam too!”
I don’t know… I always think about that part looking back on it. We were doing ecstasy. I think we had like not a specific communal bottle but like someone’s was over somewhere and one by the computer.
I’m breaking the vow by talking about it but…
A few friends and I were all doing drugs late one winter night and staying hydrated as responsible drug users sometimes do.
The cold had us all sniffly and hacking.
We spat into an empty water bottle.
Sweet Hank was at the computer picking the next jam and reached for what he thought was his water, took a swig, returned the swig, and said, “We’re just not gonna talk about that.”
Hank went to the bathroom, returned, and we continued, honoring Sweet Hank’s request.
I couldn’t tell you what went through his mind when the viscous liquid hit but he carried on like a champion.
That sounds amazing. I wish I had that appetite in the morning.
Thank you for sharing that. It was a lot of fun to read through. At the end I was like, wait how did I end up on this wiki?
That’s absolutely amazing. I’m happy to hear that kind of thing exists for people.