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Calibre is the ultimate e-book manager/reader/editor. apt install calibre
and you’re set.
No one will accept a deal with the US for the next 20 years. Zelensky would get a better outcome if he made a pact with the actual Devil than with those bozzos in DC.
Unlikelly. Bolsonaro has nothing to offer that the Orange Menace wants, not to mention that by being indicted, Bolsonaros’ passport was confiscated a year ago, and he’s under surveilance by the Federal Police.
What amazes me is, my country is infamous for it’s corruption and impunity, especially for politicians, but we’re nearly convicting an ex-president, while such “beacon of democracy” (/s), the US, is quickly decaying into a banana republic.
Depends of which currency you’re talking about. Brazilian Reais ? Sure. Minimum wage here is R$ 18k/yr, so that would be about 4x that. US Dollars ? Pretty hard, unless you’re on executive levels.
But… Cost of living here is much lower than in US. Take food for example. A Discord friend from Colorado showed me a picture of a carton of eggs… US$ 7.50 for a dozen. Here in Brazil for that price you could buy around 50 or 60 eggs. Buying or renting a home is way cheaper too, fuel costs are lower, because our cars can run on Ethanol, which is 40% cheaper that Gasoline, we don’t have to spend money on heating or heavy winter clothes (except for the 3 southern states, but it still cheaper than northern US. The coldest those states get around 25F).
Sure, electronics and cars are a bit more expensive, same for some luxury goods. But even with those things costing more, with wages close to the equivalent of US$ 30k, you can have a standard of living that in the US would require closer to US$ 100k.
I see more and more people moving to Bluesky, which means Xitter is becoming less and less relevant by the day. Except for nazi shitheads, that is.
You haven’t been following the downfall of Twitter, have you ?
Or those dumpster fires that are the SSybertruck an Teska Semi, right?
Or how he got his ass fired from PayPall because he wanted to use Windows Server instead of Linux to run the service?
Elons incompetence has been showing for a while.
Yup. Thanks to those controls and a federal program called “My home, My life” that I managed to buy a condo on a nice neighborhood for around $50k. By coincidence, it’s across the street from the labour union founded by our current president, Lula. Sometimes he visits the place to make speeches, so I get to see him :-)
Here in Brazil you can, but we have ways to curb real estate speculation, the government can force owners to rent or sell properties that are idle, this helps keep the prices under control. On top of that, mortgages for ones first home is strictly regulated, especially in terms of how much interest can be charged.
Jesus Fucking Christ !!!
What does Elmo think the government use ? MongoDB, because its Web Scale [0]?
Becoming ? Ask anyone in Central and South Americas about it. We’ve been subjected to American terroristic interventionism for almost century. It’s always been a risk.
Stalin joined the allies after Hitler attacked the USSR, becoming a temporary “good guy” out of spite for the Nazis.
Josef Stalin 2.0…
The Orange Menace is impervious to kompromat. You can only blackmail people who have shame, and Asshole in Chief has absolutely none. Whatsoever. He himself said that he could shoot a man in the middle of Times Square and not lose a single vote, which is absolutely true. His voters actually want a shameless criminal in the White House, because this legitimizes their own awful behaviour. I can’t think of any kind of kompromat that Putler could use against someone like that.
That little twerp with Brocolli-like hair. His on-line alias is “Big Balls”.
It’s this asshole here: https://www.newsweek.com/who-big-balls-teen-doge-engineer-edward-coristine-2027698
It might be (I’m not defending them here), but even the Catholic Church sometimes do some good. What Muskolini, the Orungutan in Chief and Brocolli Balls are doing is so despicable and evil, even the Church is justified in their criticism. The level of destruction they’re causing is quickly escalating to the levels of what was done in Europe during WWII, the Stalinist purges, the Cultural revolution and the massacres of the Khmer Rouge. They might not be there yet, but they sure as hell are trying to speed run it.
It’s a theocracy. They basically copied the Vatican model. An assembly of ExpertsConclave of Cardinals, chosen by The Supreme LeaderPope convenes to elect the Supreme LeaderPope in absolute secrecy. The thing is, looking back at the last 20 years of American politics, the US is not that different, only it’s a Plutocracy. American politicians threw away any pretense of working for, or serving, the people a long time ago.
As others mentioned, it has to be done by Americans. A single one would do. Anyone knows when Luigi will be available ?
On a more serious note, dictatorships can not be removed from power by external forces unless it comes with overwhelming firepower (like Iraq in 2003) or the invaders are committed to a long war that will let the targeted nation devastated (Axis nations in WWII). But the biggest problem is what to do after the tyrants are out. As the world learned after Iraq and Afghanistan, creating (or restoring) a culture of democracy, human rights and respect for the laws is no easy task.
I have one of those (GWM Ora 3). They’re better designed, better built, and better designed than anything Tesla has made so far, so it’s understandable why the Chinese makers are eating their lunch. Tesla was sales success only because the market was eager for electric cars with decent range while they were pretty much the only game in town. The problem is, Tesla engineers know how to put out decent drive trains with great autonomy, but everything else around those is crap. Now that people who actually knows how to build cars are catching up with the drive train and battery capacity, Tesla is toast.
The stock might stay up, sure, but as a purely speculative paper without any real value behind it, just like crypto.
It’s a political move. By harassing one of USs largest corporations, the CCP hopes Sundar Pichai will call the morons in charge to complain and ask for concessions.
Basically, Fall of the Soviet Union 2.0. The west was able to outspend the ruskies until they croaked.
EU, please, keep up the pressure, break those murderous bastards in the Kremlin, don’t let them win.