It is definitely worth looking at. I am working with mostly blog posts RSS feeds, but this might come useful one of these days, too. Thank you for the suggestion.
It is definitely worth looking at. I am working with mostly blog posts RSS feeds, but this might come useful one of these days, too. Thank you for the suggestion.
Exactly. Otherwise, DecSync would be perfect (and I even used DecSync in the past).
Aha, I haven’t thought about using the same Linux application. This approach might be worth investigating. Thank you for the idea.
My only gripe with RSS is the usual dependency on a synchronization server (whether it is a 3rd party server or self-hosted). I have been searching for way too long for a local-first RSS application for both Linux and Android which would store the RSS feeds (as in, the downloaded posts) in a local folder that could be then synchronized between Linux and Android applications using Syncthing or similar. Sadly, still no results. Anyone know about something?
Never thought about it, but yes, this is exactly what I need. I like to experiment with extensions, so I have a plethora of extensions, which I often turn on and off. Therefore, most of them are just in the dropdown menu and scrolling through the menu is taking way too long for my taste.
As a researcher, I am very happy that recently all the conferences and journals we usually publish to champion open access publishing. Due to this, all my work is currently FOSS and all the papers open access. That is a great change to the papers of the past where you have to have an affiliation to a university to get access to a paper and sometimes even that is not enough.
I just recently gave Jujutsu a go, and I must say, it is a pleasure to work with VCS now. As opposed to Git,
just makes sense and does exactly what I want it to do. No issues whatsoever. And if there is a need (which it is not most of the time), one can just fall back to Git and its ecosystem.