First of all he wouldnt call a couple “mixed race” I supposse.
First of all he wouldnt call a couple “mixed race” I supposse.
Ive been grown up in Germany as part of the evanglian lutherian Church, the main Christian church in northern Germany.
And all the officials of the church (Pastor, superintendend etc) and volunteers ive met have been really nice people. Collecting money and stuff for the poor, giving refugees facing deportation church asylum, taking part in civil rights movements to fight for the rights of minorities like LGBTQI*, people of color or member of other religions, taking care of the old and sick, helping alcohol and drug addicts etc.
Like a good aunt. Not always the most progressive person you know, but still always good hearted and kind and willing to fight for the good.
So churches can be imho a good place.
Here in Germany this is a quite popular Opinion. If you have an open fascination for guns, you will be looket at like a serial killer or someone who will be going amok. And wont be allowed to be a police officer (the almost only people to wield a gun in public)
Yeah, ill always stay only one room away from my 3y old taking a bath. Theyre kids, doing kids stuff. And thats often stupid and probably fatal
For car navigation: The in the eOS implemented Version of Magic Maps. Im using it on a daily basis in a professional Context and in my Area (Hamburg, Northern Germany) it works as reliable as googlemaps. (My colleagues are using gm) Traffic-Data is mostly not that accurate. And if you need information about special Adresses like opening hours, ill just look it up otherwise, like on their websites.
For Navigation by bike or for hiking I use the paid German App “komoot”. As a bike Commuter - its the (in my opinion) by far best app for Biking But to be honest, I dont know their privacy rules. And i cant tell if they have a translated version for their app
It wasnt the battery, sadly. Some Fairphone3 have the issue, that their mainboard(?) is breaking down after a couple of years without any clear reason - and I was the lucky one. Its the only “unreplaceble” part and kind of phone breaker. Sure, you can replace this too, but it would somheow be like buying a new phone. At this point, the fairphone 4 was alreasy released, so I took the upgrade. Fairphone 4 and 5 have now a waranty of 5 instead of 2 years. So at least on this point ill be save for 3 years more :>
Im using it for a couple of years. I flashed my fairphone 3 by my self back then, before the easy installer. It was the first time i did something “advanced” with a phone, but it worked quite well. After my fairphone 3 died, I bought a Fairphone 4 via murena. So everything was already installed etc In total I am happy with the Os. Their goal, the release of privacy oriented OS for everyone (so f.e. even my parents could use them) is quite of a utopia I suppose. But still, the team and community are doing a good job.
Yeah I already heard about grapheneOS, but its not working well with fairphone right? So murena it is for me :) And I would recommend to people, who are aware of the downsides and are little enthusiastic :)
According to spotify this song was released 2022.
Furthermore: I dunno what this “everybody wiki is” but he seems to be a special kind of musician
Does somebody have the original pic?
The German Federal Public Radio (Deutschland Funk) has a Radio Documentary Series, about particular historical Topics called “Der Rest ist Geschichte”. Mostly academic experts explain the topics from the academic view for “common” people. They made a interesting one about the History of the Knowledge about the climate crisis.
Aus der Dlf App | Der Rest ist Geschichte | Klima und Krise – Seit wann wir von der Erderwärmung wissen
Afaik there is no English version :<
In Germany, black cats arent meaning " bad luck", theyre more like bringing destiny. Fore example, if a black cat crosses the road infront of you, it depends on the direction of the cat. From right to left : good luck From lef to right: bad luck
So black cats are making your life just a little more turbulent :|