every day it gets more incredible to me that people are so fucking addicted to fake validation and fake likes from fake friends that they still use fucking twitter
Yeah! I like my fake validation and fake likes from anonymous friends over here on lemmy. Fake friends are overrated.
the secret is i don’t think anyone on lemmy is my friend. i find everyone here frustrating and annoying! the system works!
Damn,… Ruffalo looks young in this picture… then I realize, he was and we all got fucking old. This was 13 years ago!!!
…hey. Stop that.
Respect the rules! We all pretend 2005 was 4 years ago and 2014 was last year.
Bullshit! 1995 was 4 years ago. 2004 was last year.
Yep! Wait until you have kids that are older than your co-workers.
Source: My kids are older than many of my co-workers. It sucks.
The only way to fight it is to stay fit as fuck. Oh and retire early like I did. Takes some of the pain out of getting older!
Exactly my plan my friend! Why bother grinding if you can’t afford anything? Better grind less and live more.
Agreed. I basically took early retirement–I’m 55.
My pension is small since I bailed early, but I have zero debt, and very few bills, so I get by just fine. My kids are grown. My house and cars are paid off. Property taxes here are very low.
Sure, I won’t be traveling the world, but the park next to my house is beautiful, and I can see the mountains from my front porch. All is good.
Good luck to ya, mate!
I did that and “retired” to a ski resort in my mid 20s and pursued snowboarding instead. I’ve worked a variety of odd jobs to feed the habit and I’m lucky to be talented enough to be flowed gear.
If working a corporate 40 hr a week job that requires a degree doesn’t pay enough for me to move out of my moms house in NY and get an apt of my own somewhere nearby then fuck it, I’ll take some nonsense jobs and move to where I want and leave the grind entirely. My life is their $20k vacation. I’ve had more powder days than those rats in the race.
Wait how do you have coworkers as a retired person?
Not really. I mean I volunteer at the school where I worked, so I still count them as my coworkers… But since I don’t get paid, I guess technically they aren’t. But what would you call them?
You say that like Twitter isn’t also full of self-important asshats
There’s a pretty big difference between drinking mild poisons at a Nazi bar and a local bar. Zoomed out, sure, drinking alcohol at all can be considered pretty dubious, but the difference between the two scenarios remains.
edit: replace what autocorrect put as “consistent” to “considered”
deleted by creator
That is literally how I described it, yes.
*cries in fake friend*
The dumbass kid at work “I just use it for the art profiles I follow.” Not worth it kid, not worth it at all.
Ah yes… “art”.
He does a ton of digital art, so I generally believe him on that. He’s also pretty asexual so I don’t think he’s looking at porn. He’d be more likely to be looking at Fortnite skins.
Twitter is a weird platform for that
Yeah, naughtymachinima is a better platform for watching Fortnite skins
Exactly my thoughts
I learned a long time ago that for me, social media is an output. I drop it and leave it. I don’t fucking care who reads it, or if they liked it.
I was going to delete this, but I guessi already typed it
A guy from South Africa made his app anti-black? Shocking.
The white guy who is only rich because of black oppression in South Africa, in fact.
Does this comment/joke assume all white South Africans are racist?
No. It simply states that it’s not surprising when one is.
That’s kinda bigoted
It’s bigoted to invade a county and extort them for labor because you believe the native population to be inferior.
I know. It is also bigoted to say you’re not surprised by a white South African being racist. That’s like saying you’re not surprised by a black African American being a criminal.
No it fucking isn’t
Yes it is. You’re making a judgement about both groups based on the colour of their skin
Also, I wouldn’t frame it the way you framed it, but I don’t think it is racist to say “I’m not surprised by a Black American having a criminal record”. Not because Black Americans are predisposed to crime, but because they are targeted by overpolicing and system racism lmao.
Edit: 1/7ish Black American Men have been to prison. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5996985/#%3A~%3Atext=We+estimate+that+3+%25+of%2CAfrican+American+adult+male+population.
We had to invent a new term to describe the racism of white south Africans, they’ve earned a little suspicion.
you’re the guy who said that we can’t say the police is a racist organization because there are black cops. I wouldn’t be too involved in race conversations if I were you tbh.
I admit that one might have been a bad take in hindsight, but my stance is unshakeable on this issue
I’m a white guy from Indiana. And if Elon Musk was from Indiana and someone said, “a guy from Indiana made his app anti-black? Shocking.” I’d be like, “I know, right? This state is full of racist as fuck white people.” I wouldn’t be offended.
But he’s not from Indiana though. The point I’m trying to make is that the commenter posed an unfair stereotype which suggested that white South Africans are proclived to racism even though there are no facts to support that argument. There is however evidence to suggest that Indianans or Idahoans or whatever other white inhabitants of famously racist US states are proclived to racism.
Do you see my point?
You’re right, he’s from an even more racist place. So I’m not sure why you think that’s an unfair stereotype when it is a fair one for a U.S. state that never had apartheid or slavery.
You know South Africa had(has?) apartheid, right? Culturally, yes, they are proclived to racism.
edit: yeah it ended in 1990(1994?). Lmao. Within the last 30 years they were an apartheid state.
Oh no. White people being the target of bigotry? Welcome to the fucking club that they started.
that they started
Are you being serious lol
Just calling out the double standard man. We don’t have to continue a bad practice.
Oh, so the oppressed aren’t allowed to dismantle their oppressors? They must rise above and be civil? They are the ones that must be kind and courteous to those who would subjugate them further?
What kind of bootlicker are you?
Are you fucking dumb?
Sir, you are bringing logic to a Lemmy thread where only emotion matters. It doesn’t seem to be going well for you frankly.
It’s flawed logic. Being kind and civil to one’s oppressors is literally further oppression.
Were you one of those people bitching about the 2020 George Floyd protests, too?
I don’t know why i still bother honestly; only to be labelled a fascist/Nazi once they’re done with the downvote bombing. It’s disgusting.
IDK How to tell you this, but fascist racists own everything and are planning to kill a whole bunch of people soon. I really think people are under estimating the severity of the vision these people have for the world.
Can you quantify soon here? I agree with you that they don’t have good intentions, but I think that framing it as like, a planned genocide is not accurate. More realistically what can happen is more systemic injustices and consolidations of power to prevent anyone from resisting.
To start with, their plan for mass deportation probably already counts as a displacement genocide. There will be thousands of deaths from it leaving aside everything else wrong with it.
There are also approximately 3 million trans people in the US. Every single one of them is in danger as the fascists’ chosen scapegoat.
Why do you think that?
Rwandan genocide? The Holocaust? Israeli’s war on Palestinian. Armenian genocide? US chattel slavery? Tulsa Race Massacre? China and how they threat neighbors? South African Apartheid?
Naming genocides that happen doesn’t make the previous statement any more true.
History, and a soupçon of paranoia
Soupçon: A very small amount; a hint; a trace, slight idea; an inkling.
Thank you for the new word, I like it.
I was thinking it was soup can for a moment. Then I realized the C had it’s pants down and it dawned on me that it was a French word.
more like a soup ladle am I right
Not much of a news junkie are you?
kill a whole bunch of people soon
If you don’t couch this a whole lot, it undermines the seriousness of what is actually about to happen.
Anything less than tens of millions dead falls short of your comment. And that’s likely not the reality.
Anything less than tens of millions dead falls short of your comment. And that’s likely not the reality.
Trans people, the group currently most targeted for elimination by the right, represent about 1% of the US population. Jewish people in pre-Nazi Germany also represented about 1% of the population.
When Republicans past eliminationist laws meant to persecute trans people, deny them from public life, and kill them by taking away their healthcare, they are committing crimes of the same order as what Germany did in the 1930s.
That is simple historical by-the-numbers truth.
The chilling thing for me is that Nazi Germany was able to accomplish this without the technology and mass surveillance we have today.
It will be a slow boil and they’ll arrest people one at a time for “terrorism” and such. I won’t be surprised to see extremist militias going after people as well.
They won’t even need to use terrorism. Right in Project 2025 is a plan to slowly classify any public existence or acknowledgement of LGBT identities as “pornographic.” And in turn classify showing “pornography” to children is pedophilia and worthy of being put on the sex offender registry. They want to make it so if say, a trans woman, goes out in public and a child sees her, then that is the equivalent of grooming an 8 year old child by showing them pornographic videos. Oh, and they also want to attach the death penalty to crimes of pedophilia.
I didn’t see how that will massively backfire on them at all.
You’re assuming the law will be applied consistently.
1% is 3.8 million people. They’ll likely be ostracized, forced into hiding, and we all know the effects of that.
We’re both describing terrible things, terrible things that are short of hunting people down and loading them into trains.
Your comparison does a disservice to everyone. Setting the bar at the damn holocaust gives our opponents an easy out. “They act like we’re”, “we’re just”, are the natural, easy responses.
Don’t give them easy outs. Things can be less terrible than the actual Holocaust and still be terrible.
They’re talking about rounding up 20 million people and deporting them. Do you really think you can do that without setting up massive camps that match or exceed the scale of anything the Nazis set up? And if you really want to move that many people around, you may end up having to use trains.
Oh, and worse, they have no plan on how to actually deport that many people. The Nazis originally planned to deport all the Jews as well. Yet they quickly found that there simply weren’t enough nations willing to accept all these deportees. Other countries aren’t obligated to accept your deportees.
So you now have millions of people in camps, costing a fortune to maintain, and no where to send these people. That always ends in slavery, death, or death by slavery. Whenever your plan starts with “round up tens of millions of people and put them in camps,” you can guarantee that a massive death toll is going to follow.
And I think your comment here is a hell of a lot more valuable than starting out with “IDK How to tell you this, but fascist racists own everything and are planning to kill a whole bunch of people soon.”
You can’t just skip to the end of the worst case scenario without people blowing you off. I mostly agree with you; I just think that particular messaging is damaging.
I think starting off so dismissive until later in the thread makes it seem very much like you don’t mostly agree and is more damaging to the idea
Maybe I’m unusual here, but if I saw 200 corpses in a big pile, I would think that someone killed a whole bunch of people.
To your point, it’s funny how we frame things depending on the circumstances.
Growing up I always thought the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre was some huge slaughter where hundreds of people died. Turns out it was seven people. Mobsters, actually, so it could be argued it was “gang violence”, but still. Seven people executed by a rival gang, and it’s a massacre.
At least 37 die, over 800 injured, and over 10000 were left homeless, but Tulsa ignored it for decades, then called it a,“race riot”.
Twenty children and six adults are murdered by a nutter and it’s still not a massacre, but at least it’s “tragic”, which is a step up from the average school shooting, which is normally called “Tuesday”.
Over 45,000 Afghan civilians died from 2001-2021, but that’s not a massacre, just collateral damage.
But that’s over twenty years, of course that’s not a massacre, plus they’re, you know, foreign. Now if 45,000 Americans died in one year, well, that would be different. Except they do, but because they lack insurance coverage. So, you know, that’s their fault for dying of preventable illnesses on account of being poor. That’s not a massacre, just good business.
But one CEO is murdered and it’s a tragedy again
Over 45,000 Afghan civilians died from 2001-2021, but that’s not a massacre, just collateral damage.
But that’s over twenty years, of course that’s not a massacre, plus they’re, you know, foreign. Now if 45,000 Americans died in one year, well, that would be different. Except they do, but because they lack insurance coverage. So, you know, that’s their fault for dying of preventable illnesses on account of being poor. That’s not a massacre, just good business.
And when Israel kills that many Palestinians in one year, college kids get arrested for protesting it while Congress jacks off while rubberstamping another $10 billion of arms sales to Bibi.
Is the holocaust really your measurement for the meaning of “killing a bunch of people?” I don’t think things have to get all that bad to be justified in saying “a bunch of people died.”
When you look into where contemporary right wing ideologies comes from, and what journalists are reporting on in online right wing spaces, a holocaust doesn’t seem out of the question. The Turner Diaries is worth looking into. Robert Evans is also a pretty informed journalist on the matter.
What are you guys talking about?
Stop downvoting and tel what they are talking about lol
People, please stop using twitter. Stop giving your attention and money to terrible people. Some people, like that white lady, are weak-minded and they will never learn.
This — why are people even still there? Get off it, full stop.
We’re all here commenting on it. It’s part of the outrage feedback loop.
If your question wasn’t rhetorical, addiction is one reason I can think of. Folks are tied up in a certain kind of Feed depending on the places they go online, and twitter/facebook are aggressively designed to make you stay, right? It might be as emotionally daunting as a smoker knowing they should quit. idk - I was lucky to not invest any time with those platforms, but I have kicked one addiction and failed to quit others, so I have some sympathy if that’s what’s holding people back.
Another reason is rubbernecking at the car crash. People are still on twitter because it’s where all the drama people/news are talking about IS.
Other than that? Nazis are there to be accellerationists, and internet debate club folks are there to perform civilized discourse (“so someone reading in the future can see that the nazi was wrong”).
If your question was rhetorical, my bad.
When I got banned from Instagram I went through actual withdrawal. I was very upset, I felt cut off from the world and digitally exiled. I still do. If I was desperate enough I could of made another account but after a decade+ with the same account - which got banned for standing up to Nazis and fascists - I gave up. Fuck Zuck. The same happened to me on Reddit too.
The technofascists hate leftists, they shadow ban them, they block their accounts, they ban at the isp level. They are propagandizing millions of people into right wing bullshit and worse.
I don’t have tik tok because I don’t trust China nor an algorithm as addictive as it but there’s a reason it’s being banned in the US: it doesn’t ban leftist content and in fact likely promotes it. Our oligarchs can’t allow that to happen. Class consciousness must be prevented at all costs or they lose their power.
I agree completely. Unfortunately, we live in a world where the racist rapist traitor felon just won the popular freaking vote in the country the site is based in.
So even though I deleted my account a long time ago and so did half the people here, the idea of not using xitter because it’s run by a nazi hasn’t even entered into most people’s minds to be considered in the first place.
Different people have different levels of tolerance to fecal matter. Some absolutely love the shit.
Yet you continue to use it…
As soon as Musk bought it I reactivated my long-dormant account so that I could delete it properly, I can’t understand why so many people are using X.
You’re all patrons of the nazi bar, only in this case the nazis bought the bar. Twitter is dead. Migrate to somewhere else like you probably have multiple times before if you’ve been on the Internet for any amount of time.
I still have an account, but I’ve only ever posted 6 times and haven’t deleted it because I don’t wanna jump through the hoops of “sign in to see this content”, also because once and a while I’ll see a linked tweet about a game or artist or something and give it a heart
My advice would be to just block it in an adblocker browser plugin. Even if it only takes two extra clicks it does wonders to get you into the “do I really need to see this” mindset.
This is what I don’t get, people not migrating from a shit platform. Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, etc.
They all just reach this critical mass where people decide the benefit of everyone else using it outweighs all the negatives of the platform being abusive to its own users
FOMO is incredibly powerful unfortunately.
The important stuff will be reposted on another platform. It’s the whole point of !whitepeopletwitter@sh.itjust.works
The important stuff to you might not be the important stuff to someone else. And not everything gets reposted.
I’m not saying that’s a good reason to stay on Twitter, but I am saying it’s a big reason people stay.
I avoid all FB products but it’s a pain in the ass when every business assumes that everyone has FB or Instagram. Local bakery closing due to poor weather? Instagram. Schedule for the small festival I’m attending later in the day? Instagram. Up to date hours for a local small restaurant? FB. Any contests or giveaways from any of the small businesses I patronize? Instagram. And friends with kids complain that their kid’s schools all use FB for critical info.
And it’s damn near impossible to really engage with the pottery community without Instagram. It’s really the defacto communication medium for publicizing any artists or craftspeople who are below the high end gallery representation level or the decent sized company level.
Social media addiction is widespread. Once these sites get their hooks in their users, they will keep coming back to the site no matter how it makes them feel. It takes a conscious effort to either wean off or go cold-turkey on a particular site. Many get lazy or too comfortable to make the switch.
Part of it is entrenchment. I never did the Twitter thing. Quit Instagram simply cuz I thought the app sucked. Ditched Reddit for Lemmy because Reddit is a cesspool that gives WAY too much power to dipshit moderators.
But I’m still on Facebook simply because I use it to plan birthdays and other events because its interface for events is pretty useful and more people I know are on Facebook than other apps, so it’s just really the best option for events. I don’t use it for anything else anymore, but it wins when it comes to events. It also reminds me of people’s birthdays.
Entrenchment is why a lot of big names and reporters stay on Twitter. They’ve got so many followers it’s hard to try to get all of them to migrate.
I will say this though. If Facebook was operated by someone like Musk in the way he operates it, I’d force myself t pull the plug. Zuckerfuck isn’t great, but he hasn’t trashed Facebook to quite the degree Musk has trashed Twitter…yet.
It also reminds me of people’s birthdays.
I don’t get it here. It’d probably take you an afternoon to put everyone’s birthday in a spreadsheet or calendar, and then you’ve made some effort to actually learning their birthdays, leading to a somewhat more personal connection with that person.
it’s just really the best option for events
I feel like this is just confirmation bias. At this point it’s literally a prisoner’s dilemma between your social circle. You could all leave and have a better atmosphere and platform, but if you left alone you’d be missing out. FOMO, etc.
I’m probably biased here as well, as my age group has left Facebook, but all I really see on facebook are big announcements like engagements, childbirths and have contacts with only distant friends that I don’t really care much about, so leaving is “easy”
Zuckerfuck isn’t great, but he hasn’t trashed Facebook to quite the degree Musk has trashed Twitter…
This is crazy because before Musk changed twitter so dramatically, Facebook was the exemplar of a bad trash platform. I have to agree that Twitter might be worse now, though.
I don’t get it here. It’d probably take you an afternoon to put everyone’s birthday in a spreadsheet or calendar
Yeah, but that’s part of what I’m talking about. It’s already done for me without me lifting a finger. I don’t have to enter all that data. I don’t have to make my own spreadsheet and keep it in multiple locations for retention. I don’t have to use Google calendar since I could probably find something about Google that’s less than desirable. I mean if it was JUST birthdays, I’d pull the plug. But the events thing is pretty clutch. And time is a factor too. I’ve been on Facebook since the beginning. There are quite a few people I would permanently lose if I ditched Facebook. People I’m not that close to but still shoot them a message once in a blue moon. And I think a lot of people can find that ONE thing that keeps them on a platform. It took me a while to move on from Reddit simply because it has so much more content than any competitor.
If Zuck started allowing the hard R’s on Facebook and started getting really hands on like Musk, personally banning people he doesn’t like and constantly posting the dumbest shit imaginable, I’d have to force myself to pull the plug on Facebook. But I’m not quite there yet.
You could all leave and have a better atmosphere and platform
See, I’ve already witnessed this not working. My friends group had a big group chat on Facebook Messenger. One friend decided he was done with Facebook and essentially demanded everyone get Signal to keep in touch with him. It took a month to get people to switch over and form a new group chat and a few friends flat out refused and now we all have to message them separately and they aren’t part of the group discussions anymore and there have been instances where they didn’t know a thing was happening because we all forgot to message them separately about it.
I’m probably biased here as well, as my age group has left Facebook
I think this is a big part. Like I said, my friends and I have been on Facebook for 20 years. It’s been a lot easier for me to quit other platforms I haven’t been on that long.
before Musk changed twitter so dramatically, Facebook was the exemplar of a bad trash platform
Yeah, Musk really lowered the bar.
Even with facebook’s recent TOS changes?
As far as I know you still can’t get away with the hard R on Facebook. And Zuckerfuck isn’t personally banning people that upset him like Musk does.
Two shitholes, but not equal.
I offered to help anyone on Facebook migrate with me to mastodon who wanted to. These are people I’ve known across three towns, five different jobs, and 3 schools between highschool, college, and university. I’ve gotten and given leads and references for jobs from and to so many of them, and hope to in the future. That’s the only reason I even still have Facebook. I’m about to completely call it quits and wipe everything off the account and just leave a pinned post on my profile with a link to a mastodon profile with my real name.
I put out the first version of that post while I’m getting my data fully packed up. Not a single response. Not even a like. I mentioned it on a post by an LGBT content creator I’ve kept up with since I worked with her ages ago. She’s been building up a portfolio of reviews of everything from beauty products to sex toys and has actually gotten some pretty interesting brand deals lately. She’d never even heard of mastodon.
These big social media sites are so ingrained in people’s lives in so many different ways. Ultimately you’re right but every time I see a comment like this it gives…
I put out the first version of that post while I’m getting my data fully packed up. Not a single response. Not even a like.
I suspect many platforms detect and shadowban content like this, or at least demote it or restrict its visibility. It’s what I would do if I ran an unethical social media platform trying to increase the number of active users.
That was my suspicion.
If you got zero engagement when your friends normally at least drop a thumbs up then that post never showed up on anyone’s feeds.
You just have me the idea to maybe at least poke everyone though. Maybe that will help…
Meh, there are a bajillion other ways to participate in society. Not the same thing at all. I’ve been off Facebook for over fifteen years now and it’s been great. I text or call people, and if they care about me they do the same. Sometimes I even get cards in the mail still. It’s wonderful.
I hate Facebook but I need it for local shit. I don’t use the timeline and I don’t post, but I need it for marketplace and for a locals forum.
Keep using it! That’ll fix it! It’s like when a company gives you shitty service you keep giving them your business and eventually they’ll give you good service!
That’s how it works, right?
Sometimes you don’t even realize you’re on it. I watched a clip on a news article. I was mildly surprised that the X branding only showed up after I started watching the clip. That clip was fine, it wasn’t even really political. Then it auto played Alex Jones talking about Democrats being traitors and trying to destroy the country.
So when the fuck did they start removing branding on embedded stuff? And then when the fuck did they start trying to auto play videos? And videos from a completely different account and subject matter?
If they’re that shady just visiting the website I don’t even want to think about what their apps are doing.
Not sure how you got away with that… Every single time I have been forced to use Twitter for a video, it has been an awful experience. Their video player is one of the worst modern video players I’ve ever had the displeasure of using. Plus they gate everything behind a login nowadays, so even embedded players in news articles won’t work unless you sign in first. Twitter is rapidly becoming Pinterest for fascists; It grabs content, then walls it behind a login page.
I had the same experience before so my guess is they’re trying new stuff.
That’s not a problem. It’s the interaction and posting that gives them power and content. Simply never interact with the site actively.
As far as trying to kill the site yeah. But it’s a pretty big problem if someone thinks Alex Jones is being endorsed by a reputable news site. And you only know it’s Alex Jones if you know his voice and know to check the corner for an account name.
That’s fair
She’s a straight up Nazi
Next stop, a seat in Congress
I have a feeling she takes black cock on the down low and doesn’t tell anyone
Yeah but she’s doing them a favor /s
That or she goons to it and is ashamed.
… isn’t that the wrong arm?
The guy on the right is mirrored, judging by the text on his shirt. I’m guessing she is, too.
Yeah, I didn’t expect them to understand that they’d have to mirror the image. That’s a bit too complex.
No shit, I got that from the hard R.
She could also just have been extremely racist.
Let’s keep the distinction. So we can turn the racists against the fascists.
I support your optimism but I seriously doubt anyone yelling the N word on Twitter is going to kick a Nazi out of bed for being too authoritarian.
Why would the racists and fascists turn on each other?
what distinction?
Bro really wants to steal Truth Social’s userbase for more money. He found out that the left is a lot harder to scam.
Aka products of blue State education systems
Aka “brainwashed.”
There’s gotta be a way to own this word in a positive way; like yeah honestly uni did help me clean house on a lot of dirty habits and prejudices in my brain, what’s the issue?
Nazis are sub human and shouldnt have rights
The only good nazi is a dead nazi
Or maybe a grammar nazi… But I’m not sure they count
Nah, they are necessary evil. (grammar ones)
“A” necessary evil. I know I was baited, and I don’t care.
I think just “necessary evil” will work there. “An necessary” would’ve been funny, though.
The weirdest thing here to me is that people call twitter an app. Not a site/community/whatever.
Zoomers and later generations mostly interact with Internet services through apps.
And boomers and relatively old generations.
I have older folks don’t really get what a website is, and family kids that don’t either.
Theres a narrow demographic that (as a whole) experienced the “old” internet outside of siloes and apps.
deleted by creator
Eh… Never thought about it, people use xitter more on phones now
Why do people even get offended by cracker lmaooo. That’s such a whack front.
Being able to disregard being called “cracker” is itself a form of white privilege. As a white guy, I don’t have to care if some black person expresses hatred against me because I have power that they do not (e.g. they’re not likely to act on their hatred because if the police are called they’re likely to take my side, etc.). The implied threat is not credible.
In contrast, black people do not have the freedom to ignore white people calling them the n-word, because historically that has been accompanied by a real risk of attack. The likelihood may have waned over the years, but that implied threat remains credible. (That goes double for the fact that, as casual/mainstream use of the word has fallen out of favor, those still willing to use it are all the more extreme/violent-tempered.)
As another lifelong beneficiary of white privilege, thank you for pointing this out. I never considered this perspective.
Let me add one. People that don’t look like us think before they speak in meetings. They are scrutinized constantly and often afraid. We can ask a colleague “hey not straight white guy, you’re interested or expert in XYZ, and haven’t shared your input, what do you think?”
Making space can be that micro and so impactful.
This is exactly how systemic racism works. White people weren’t kept as slaves and called ‘cracker’ as a label. Black people were kept as slaves and called the N word as a label. The implication, via the word, is that they were less-than-human. We’re just about back to the time period where lawmakers openly use the N word again. I’m in Canada, yet even from here I can see it happening, and it’s terrifying for me, so I can’t imagine what it’s like for American people of colour, or women, or 2SLGBTQIA+, etc.
If you are one of those people, whomever is reading this, just know you have allies.
Being able to disregard being called “cracker” is itself a form of white privilege
No it means I’m not offended by every stupid shit some cringelord says online.
Same with Alpha Snowflakes who get triggered by words like cis.
Which makes zero sense. Because cis is exactly what he claims to be. It’s not pejorative to say someone is a heterosexual?
I have used it sarcastically on news@world and got it mod deleted.
I guess it’s white fragility masked as fairness/equity.
It means you’re originally from Florida, so…
They should already be offended by someone using ‘fuck’
The first word they did this with was cis. This will keep happening and the attacks will get worse until people act. Leave Twitter
I don’t think I’ve seen the old hard-R written out in quite some time. Let nobody say Musk and his indentured servant team have never accomplished anything. They just accomplish the bad things.
Lol that’s sort of true. I’m having a bit of a viseral reaction. I couldn’t quite put my finger on why, but I think you’re right. I just hadn’t seen it in so long.
That’s pretty fucked if you think about it.
Yeah, that’s kinda what led to my comment. I was looking at it thinking how overtly fucked it all was.
Anti-black? Is that a substitute for “racist” to avoid censorship?
To be fair, it’s far more precise, being a subset of racism, especially given the context of some racist slurs being filtered while others aren’t, depending on the targeted race.
In today’s fucked up world, it wouldn’t surprise me if anti-white and anti-black slurs were filtered but anti-hispanic and anti-asian slurs weren’t, for instance, maybe to drive nationalism regardless of race. I appreciate the additional clarity.
No. There was racism flung both ways. Only when the black person was racist was it censored.
I think there’s more straight up anti-black people than full on racist. The world hates us 😂
It’s possible that they are more vocally anti-black, but it has been my experience that hateful people are just full of hate. They go after the most convenient target, and have no problems with changing to another target if it is just as convenient.
You are lucky enough to not know enough racists because there are plenty who restrict all their hate to one category of human.
Don’t I wish. Frankly, I envy you your optimistic faith in humanity, but it seems a little naive to believe that someone who irrationally hates a group of people for some imaginary reason won’t just find another group and another imagined reason if the original group was to be removed.
That’s a weird sort of if considering that’s not really something that happens. I have no idea how you could even prove that, for example, someone who hates black people would start hating Asians even though they had no issue with Asians before if all the black people on the planet vanished.
It sounds like it isn’t me that hasn’t been around enough racists. Once you have lived long enough to see the demographics of places change, you will see the target of the resident racists change.
Feel free to back up your claim with more than “trust me, bro.”
Holy shit I love telling people my grandma was black when they say racist shit. I do not appear “black” in any way but it usually shuts people down.
Which part of that did you not understand?
Don’t use state media.
Exactly the opposite lesson to take. We need public social media, not corporate social media. We need rights and guarantees, not profit taking and psyops.
I like having a bunch of nonprofits because if one turns bad, I can switch. Your idea will work better if the state becomes controlled by the public.
States are never controlled by the public, or the working class, to be more precise.
States exists to protect the interest of oligarchs. Nothing more, nothing less.
I think in 2025 the “rights and guarantees” you want aren’t going to be provided by state or corporate social. Defederated / self hosted is the way.
Don’t use state media controlled by a single megalomaniac man-child.
I would argue that no longer qualifies as state media.
Because the government of the US is very well known for letting dissenting voices have a soap box…
It should be owned by the users and moderators, not the billionaires.