Given that the exact same question is the current top post but for driving instead of transit, I feel this question was needed.
My answer: I saw some guys hooking up a Raclette Grill to the outlet in an otherwise empty German intercity rail waggon. They had it unpacked in one of these 4 person seats with a small table. No idea if that could work or if draws too much power from the board net. I just headed on to the next waggon.
The bus driver watching loud porn on his phone and cheering them on loud enough for the whole bus to hear.
There’s probably a lot of crazy stuff happen in Vancouver buses. Vancouver is transit centric, so from the mid-upper class to the poor and mentally ill uses the transit
The last one that I remember was early this year. I was riding the community bus (a 24 passenger, single exit bus, ) and one of the passenger looked like he hasn’t showered or changed clothes in days.
The bus bumped into something and the drive stopped and told everyone he had to stop and wait for the transit supervisor.
The guy then started screaming “WHY” several times to the driver and tried to pee on the driver. Luckily there’s a plastic barrier (from Covid days) so the driver’s safe. After that he probably realized he did something bad and walked out of the busGuy sets a bluetooth speaker down on a seat, and then proceeds to do a full gymnastic dance routine right there in the subway car. Plenty of “regular” dancing, but also handstands, hanging from the rails, spinning on the floor, walking on the walls, the works. All well-timed to the music.
Didn’t ask for money. Just got off at the next station. Dude just wanted to dance, I guess.
People just pissing on the floor in NYC/Boston subways. Not really that unusual.
Someone today had a balaclava on with a bandanna tied around the forehead and sunglasses on. It is summer here.
My favourite was the guy who asked me if he could borrow my phone tomorrow to record his wedding to me. Ha.
In New York some man decided to hold the whole car hostage to some lengthy preaching and finally I told him he was boring and to shut up.
I did not expect the sheer amount of posts from Americans about mentally ill people or drug users. I taught this would get more vibes, like people moving weird furniture in trams, or people in weird costumes, or stuff like that.
Pretty mild but some guy with a box wine was harassing me the whole time he was on a coach bus. During a rest stop the driver saw me and asked if he was bothering me and I said yes. He said I could’ve reported him sooner and he’ll deal with it. Never saw box wine guy ever again.
Also, on a separate trip, dude got on and immediately took his shoes off and stunk up the whole bus. Legit forgot what regular air smells like.
On a bus from El Paso to Phoenix someone smoked a joint in the bus bathroom and got dumped on the side of the highway immediately after.
Two hours later on that same bus trip the bus got raided by immigration and I got into an argument with the officer that wouldn’t accept my ACTIVE, UNEXPIRED Military ID as a valid form of ID and started yelling at me for my passport (I have a Spanish last name). I threw my passport at him and told him to fuck off before I got my command group involved with his. I don’t know how that worked but he got real quiet and left me alone immediately after that lol. There were several people that were pulled off of that bus that night. It was overall pretty shitty.
It worked because cops are terrified of MPs. They know that the MPs can and will treat them the way they treat the normal citizenry.
I was reading a book on the train. A guy had the nerve to come up to me and ask me about the book I was reading.
As I was preparing to get off the train, I heard the man next to me say “hublublublubluh”.
I looked over. He was lying down.
“hublublublubluh” he repeated, and this time I got to witness the exit of pints of beery vomit onto the floor.
The train stopped. The vomit rushed across the floor under other people’s feet and bags. As I got off I noticed the smell.
Really glad that was my stop.
Lol your raclette experience reminded me when we once hooked up an electric cettle on a swiss alpine train to make an alcoholic drink called „fröschli“. It worked great but it also uses a lot less power. :D
I once had a guy walk into the subway, sit down, loudly declare he’d sneak into a military base, steal a tank and kill us all, then rant for a while about specific ways to kill his fellow passengers, including some very specific grenade action.
Then he sat there in silence for a couple of minutes, quietly turned towards the too-horrified-to-change-seats nerdy guy to his left and politely ask him if he had a lighter for his cigarrette.
It was a morning train, most people just kept trying to nap.
Young dude sitting waiting for a train flicking a bic lighter until it exploded in his hand.
Old lady fell off the platform between two cars while the train was still rolling. Had all the toes on one foot crushed and cut off. The sock was still intact so when we helped the conductor pull her back up it was just a bloody tube of sock with… stuff at the bottom.
Train stopped in the middle of nowhere after it hit a horse. The train won.
Take some big rips from a bong while driving.
Not my story but my dad’s. He was in London for work and was using the public transit. I don’t know if it’s like this anywhere else but uk buses throw you around a lot. So a group of American tourists got on, with their typical “having a conversation with a stranger” behaviour, something unacceptable in the uk (/hj). The bus starts and the Americans just go flying and the entire bus of brits are just laughing at them.