From remains an unabashed centrist who believes that economic growth, not the economic populism of Sanders or Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is the answer. “It’s important the critical mass in the Democratic party show that it’s the party of opportunity, responsibility and community but not the party of the left,” he insists.

He also argues that the party should not be afraid to talk about law enforcement and developing a system of community policing rather than urging “defund the police”. Likewise it should embrace the idea of legal immigration and a border that is under control. From applauds governors who have made jobs available to people without college degrees.

    2 months ago

    the DNC needs to be completely overhauled or thrown out. Bernie would’ve definitely beat Trump but they actively conspired against him, and then when sued for fraud, claimed they never said they’re actually democratic, in spite of the name… and won in court.

    the GOP tried to stop Trump as well, and in spite of being complete pieces of shit, they actually are democratic and couldn’t stop him.

    but, as they say, the entire system is stupid and designed to fuck us over.
    i see this continuing until the collapse of the usa, and probably the entire planet’s ecosystem