I didn’t say the definition was correct because Wikipedia says so, I said that’s how the word is normally defined, and the Wikipedia definition (which was the first thing that popped up) aligns with my experiences with how I’ve seen the word used. So when you say the word “tankie” includes anarchists, I’m wondering whose definition or what reasoning are you pulling from.
I’ve read comments from people who start with a confusing statement seeming to use definitions of words that aren’t commonly accepted and when asked to explain their definition resort to ad hominem and topic switching rather than defending their point that their definition is a commonly accepted use of that word.
I didn’t say the definition was correct because Wikipedia says so, I said that’s how the word is normally defined, and the Wikipedia definition (which was the first thing that popped up) aligns with my experiences with how I’ve seen the word used. So when you say the word “tankie” includes anarchists, I’m wondering whose definition or what reasoning are you pulling from.
Seriously though, have shitlibs like you read anything other than Wikipedia?
I’ve read comments from people who start with a confusing statement seeming to use definitions of words that aren’t commonly accepted and when asked to explain their definition resort to ad hominem and topic switching rather than defending their point that their definition is a commonly accepted use of that word.
So I’m going to go with no, you don’t read anything other than Wikipedia.