Kinda normal for someone who actively promotes the invasion of an allies’ territorial land with the military (like an imperialist pig) to dislike “tankies”.
I was wondering why a obviously sarcastic comment got so many downvotes. But I kind of realize every now and then that people really can’t distinguish between a sarcastic one and a genuine one without the “/s” tag, even if I think it’s so on the nose that I think it can’t be mistaken.
This you?
Kinda normal for someone who actively promotes the invasion of an allies’ territorial land with the military (like an imperialist pig) to dislike “tankies”.
I was wondering why a obviously sarcastic comment got so many downvotes. But I kind of realize every now and then that people really can’t distinguish between a sarcastic one and a genuine one without the “/s” tag, even if I think it’s so on the nose that I think it can’t be mistaken.
I think the problem is that there are people who genuinely react like this unironically so it’s safer to just take it at face value.