There are bikes for handicapped people. And if cognitive issues are a thing, then cars would be far more problematic: crash a bike into a person, you get minor wounds. Crash a car into a person, and you get a death caused by the car driver (who sometimes gets off scot free).
And if something is ableist, it’s cars for disabling you from walking/wheelchairing anywhere safely due to the stroads taking up all the space.
A bike centric city would be just as, if not more, wheelchair friendly as a car centric one. There’s detachable front wheels that can be attached to wheelchairs and pedalled by hand so wheelchair users can use bike infrastructure just as well.
Bikes are ableist aren’t they? They work well for you if you don’t have any physical or cognitive issues.
If we were talking about banning cars entirely, that would be relevant.
There are bikes for handicapped people. And if cognitive issues are a thing, then cars would be far more problematic: crash a bike into a person, you get minor wounds. Crash a car into a person, and you get a death caused by the car driver (who sometimes gets off scot free).
And if something is ableist, it’s cars for disabling you from walking/wheelchairing anywhere safely due to the stroads taking up all the space.
Cars sure as hell don’t work for someone who has cognitive issues.
A bike centric city would be just as, if not more, wheelchair friendly as a car centric one. There’s detachable front wheels that can be attached to wheelchairs and pedalled by hand so wheelchair users can use bike infrastructure just as well.