• MonkeMischief@lemmy.today
    3 months ago

    That’s funny, out here my bias is against white pickup trucks, with point modifiers.

    • Lift kit? Add a point.

    • Giant truck bed toolbox? Point.

    • Truck nuts? Like 5 points.

    • Fascist or anti-social bumper stickers like punisher logos or skeletal middle fingers? More points.

    • EDIT: How could I forget six-wheeled “dualie” setups but the vehicle obviously only ever hauls groceries and the crushing weight of massive insecurity? Points!

    It’s so pathetically predictable…

    • swab148@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      My dad has a truck bed toolbox, but he’s an actual mechanic and there are real tools in there. None of that other stuff, just a Texas Rangers license plate so people can understand why he looks so disappointed all the time.

    • Darkenfolk@dormi.zone
      3 months ago

      Fascist or anti-social bumper stickers like punisher logos

      Ain’t the punisher from a comic book? What did those damn Americans do this time?!

      • MonkeMischief@lemmy.today
        3 months ago

        So, the Punisher is a comic book character that was formerly a villain but became somewhat of an anti-hero in the 80’s, when vigilante heroes were very popular due to right-wing sentiment that lawful “red tape” meant bad guys ran amok because they had…y’know…human rights.

        Unlike a huge majority of Marvel characters, Frank Castle not only disregards that pesky “due process” and all that jazz, he straight-up goes and kills the bad guys , like gangs, mafia, and so-on.

        Military guys started adopting the skull logo for intimidation purposes, and the cops who think they’re military thanks to crap like the “war on drugs” and whatever, adopted a “thin blue line” version of the logo, which basically screams:

        “I have fantasies of violence and would probably take the opportunity to ‘clean up the town’ by just murdering people I thought were bad without those pesky ‘laws’ and ‘rights’ in the way.”


        “I support cops who would do that.”

        It’s worth noting the authors of the comic book character included an issue where cops wanted a selfie and clearly idolize him, and Frank Castle “The Punisher”, tells them off because they’re supposed to uphold the law , and they should be looking up to Captain America instead.

        So, you’ll see these bumper stickers proudly displayed (with many different variants), and they scream the same thing: “I’m a self-centered, self-righteous jerkface who hates everyone who isn’t me, I wish someone would just kill everybody I’m pretty sure is bad, no questions asked.”

        It’s since gone even further through the MAGA-filter like everything else once-even-vaguely-conservative.

        –Source: Am Damn American, but don’t use so broad a brush. We’re screaming right along with you. :)