After rallying behind Trump, the tech billionaire supports AfD and other anti-immigration parties.
One of AfD’s posters theyre not even trying to hide it
Bruh wow. I’m pretty white, like sandals and socks white, but this is levels of whiteness that shouldn’t even be possible. We’re really gonna have to do this shit again, huh?
This is not whiteness it’s racism of the worst kind, and unfortunately most countries have it disregarding color or race.
No, I mean apart from the obvious fucking Nazi bullshit, these people are in daylight and still glowing like exposed reactor cores. Gawd dayum.
Ah OK, I didn’t make that connection. That’s a very good point.
Also a pretty suspicious arm angle they got going on there
Every single day he whines about European population decline. Guess what? He is actually having problems with non white/non Christian population share decline.
I thought displaying Nazi salutes was illegal in Germany? How the hell do they get away with this?
Zey are just making an innocent pantomime house shape… vat is sie probolem?
That’s so blatant what the hell?
They’re Nazis and proud of it. So is Elon Musk.
No kidding, it’s just, Jesus Christ it’s not even a dog whistle at this point it’s just barely masked. It’s about as subtle as an incorrectly drawn swastika
I think they’re past needing to mask it. They have attained critical mass. We’re not going to be able to stop it just by pointing out to people that they’re supporting Nazis. They know, and that’s what they want. We’re going to have to fight it, in every country at once.
Yeah, I see you’re on too, so our deal is going to be PP even if he’s not that brazen yet. Really not looking forward to the next decade
Well, hiding it behind “protecting your children (as a roof would)”.
Isn’t the Hitler Salute literally illegal in Germany?
Yes, very much so. But this is supposed to be a roof that is protecting the children. Nothing to see here
That’s clearly a Nazi Salute though. I mean fuck, why do I get the feeling the phone number to their head quarters ends in “1488”
The swoosh is also the path a hand makes when it does the Nazi salute.
At this point in time Musk has been rather explicit about his far-right politics, therefore this is just a continuation. A continuation with terrible consequences.
This goddamned cartoon character is gonna get a lot of people killed.
I am half convinced he’s not even gonna last till inauguration. Him and Trump are going to bump heads.
That’s been on my mind for a while now. They’re both assholes who can’t listen to “no” without throwing a fit. They’re eventually going to disagree on something, and it’s going to turn nasty.
So I’ll be ready with popcorn for when it eventually happens. Fascism always destroys itself, just not before killing everything it can.
I think they’re generally just capable enough to not casually make enemies of each other, as they’re both very influential people. They do speak the language of power and money.
But also they are both egomaniacs that choose strange hills to die on. So I could see an ill-advised falling-out.
Side note, I hate that as a society we’re forced to waste any degree of attention on these thoroughly awful people.
Agreed. If they both had heart attacks tomorrow I would be glad to not hear about them anymore.
The other option is 4 yrs Trump followed by 2x4yrs Musk, and I think this is possible.
You know, the last time fascism got a big foothold in the world, many tens of millions of people died, but then it was stopped because there were still powerful opponents of fascism who eventually managed to stamp it out. This time around, it seems all the world’s most powerful governments are going to be fascist. Russia will be fascist, France, Germany and Italy will be fascist, the USA will be fascist, Canada is about to lurch to the far right, and Nigel Farage is taking Musk’s dollars to fund a fascist takeover in the UK. Now is the time to organize an international popular resistance and start properly fighting against these fascists. We have to get serious about actually stopping it. What organizations are at the vanguard of this today?
it was stopped because there were still powerful opponents of fascism who eventually managed to stamp it out
Of the western countries that fought fascism, most were flirting with it before the war. Certainly the UK, US and France had their fascist sympathizers. Germany just went a little too fast and the frog jumped out of the boiling water.
Hopefully it’ll go similarly this time: one nation goes full nazi and the rest pull the breaks.
If Japan hadn’t attacked Pearl Harbor there was a depressingly real chance America would have joined the Axis…
Yup, America was content to sit back and quietly support the allied forces with lend-lease, but the nazis were increasingly popular in America at the time. But then Pearl Harbor happened, and gave the country a nice big target to focus on.
It turns out that history has a way of repeating itself.
Large industrial bosses loved Hitler and his policies. It isn’t very different from Elon. He is trying to be Krupp of today.
How many dudes ya know fight fascists?// Naht many iffany, naht many iffany// How many dudes ya know got the skills to go ‘n’ r-rebel-resist? uh ah, uh ah, I don’t know anybody
China perhaps?
There is an opportunity for China to support fascism’s opponents overseas. But as long as the fascists are destroying their own countries’ economies and weakening their defenses and alliances, China might prefer to sit back and enjoy the show.
Musk is basically a super villain.
He thinks he is Ironman, he is just Lex Luther with hair plugs.
He’s Ironmonger. He wants to be Iron Man so fucking bad. Bezos is Lex Luthor
Wait, why didn’t Lex Luther ever get hair plugs? He was rich! 🤔
He’s real life Dorktor Evil.
Well now, let’s not get carried away, I don’t think he even owns a hollowed out volcanic island…yet.
Nazis gonna Naz
Natzis as Natzdoes
I talk about this all the time.
Like how cant people see America is now totally fascist. This coup didn’t get squashed just postponed. One of the main architect’s sons and grandson were sitting presidents and the us is now completely controlled by corporate power at the intersection of wall street and military / prison industry. Its so obvious and so fucking enraging.
America has been fascist for a long time. Since the continent is so big, there was little neee for ‘lebensraum’, but oil and other natural resources were always taken by force and subterfuge.
Gun culture, flag fetish, pledges of allegiance, dunking on the poor from every side, criminalizing homeless… the rights have been vanishing at an alarming speed WHILE being a democracy, so just pick one person to stop the elections and you won’t notice otherwise.
I dont believe our presidential elections have even been legitimate for the last 50+ years. Of the 14 traits of fascism 13 are obviously present the 14th is fraudulent elections so if our society exhibits 92% of the indicators of fascism then its pretty logical conclusion that we are 100% of the way there.
Apartheid nepobaby likes nazis.
Until the rich and opportunistic face consequences for their roles in the rise of fascism we will have to keep beating it back consistently at the cost of the lives or the common people.
In short, win or lose, when fascism falls and the bodies must be tallied, may Mr musk find himself intimately acquainted with the end of a rope.
Time to block his ex-twitter propaganda network in countries that are still civilized.
He wants to weaken the state… Our state, your state, it doesn’t matter.
Nazis of a feather…
White rich emerald mine nepo-baby from South Africa… were we expecting a different endorsement from Musk?
I can see some twitterbros defending him throwing a sieg hail as a roman salute and I don’t like that.
“Please be satire, please be satire.” HawlSera said to herself already knowing it wasn’t.