makes sense, most games came out before 2024
About… 85% would you say?
A lot more than that.
Headline says ‘only’, but the article says that’s actually an increase from last year.
of course it is; 0% of players in 2023 played games released in 2024.
Well technically with early access games, it would be >0%. Although they didn’t know that back in 2023…
So we had time travel all this time huh? Excuse me, I’m gonna go play a game from 2723 >!Star Citizen!<
Bold of you to assume that’s gonna get released, let alone that early
I played like 20 hrs of satisfactory last year lol.
However the joke was good so imma let it slide.
This time.
Hell, I’m surprised it is over 10% with how many of the most popular games have been around for years.
Even one of the biggest releases of this year was a DLC to Elden Ring, which means the actual game is still a few years old
My guess is that Palworld and Helldivers 2 carried a good chunk of that time. I was going to mention Factorio Space Age, but it would just track time for base game. Satisfactory has been in early access for a long time, but officially released 1.0 this year as well, I wonder how that’d count.
Up from 9% last year tho…
There’s a huge backlog of PC games and a lot that just play their favorites and that’s it.
I basically only have games that cost less than $5 on a sale. The prices for new games are ridiculous generally. $100 for something that will take a year to get the bugs fixed? Only suckers buy new games.
Patient Gamers represent!
There are pros and cons to everything. You get to play before the game gets spoiled in GOTY podcasts. You can play a multiplayer game when the most people are playing, before the game has been “solved”.
Multiplayer games are the only ones I buy new, but as I grow up, I find myself turning to multiplayer games less and less in favor of good story and single player experience.
9% played 2024 games in 2023?
i always wait until the games are actually done (and priced reasonably), and that means nowadays that yeah, no 2024 games.
I’m the guy who is consistently picking up old games that he’s always wanted when they go on a steam sale years later for single digits. So I’m constantly three or four (or more years) behind. And I don’t really mind because I’m always a single player who doesn’t enjoy any form of online multiplayer.
So do I care that I only last month picked up EU4 and a bunch of DLC for cheap, not one bit. Same for Civ 6.
I’ll happily chug away at my old games that no one cares about anymore.
I started Civ6 this year too, got it for like 10 dollarydos
Factory gamers were eating good this year.
I don’t know what factory I am supposed to grow this week.
Space. Obviously space.
Same with simulators in general like flight/military/factory/etc
Factorio released an expansion and Satisfactory hit 1.0 after a long (and excellent) early access campaign. Dobwe count either as a 2024 game?
I wouldn’t but I’m not in charge of anything. I was wearing a factorio t-shirt many years ago and I think that makes it “out” even if it’s not done.
Looking through the sale trying to find ANY game that holds an interest for me… Any suggestions? Seems like a lot of trash lately.
Great games that came out in 2024:
- UFO 50
- Peglin
- Balatro
2024 games that I haven’t tried yet but seem promising:
- Pepper Grinder
- Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom
- Lorelei and the Laser Eyes
- Rabbit and Steel
- Another Crab’s Treasure
- Felvidek
All are in no particular order. Dunno if you’ll like those but these ones come to mind :)
Rabbit and Steel
I haven’t had a chance to properly play it in coop, but I tried Rabbit and Steel and it is really fun.
Thanks! Bought and played a lot of UFO50 already, I liked it. Bought and loved Balatro as well! I’ll have to look into the others. Thanks again!
No worries! I’ve just realized you were asking for games on sale (reading is hard ugh…) so hopefully the ones you want will be discounted mb ^^’
Another Crabs Treasure.
Oof. Wanted to love it. Wanted it to be SpongeBob like but with dark souls but timing is weird. The game is buggy. Fights don’t feel satisfying and it’s somehow too fast and too slow but people keep telling me to just turn on God mode and it will be fun… But then it’s not a game it’s a power trip.
I would skip it. I think it got hyped up the way that Stray did without being a great game just a great concept to talk about.
Damn, that’s sad. Since I already have tons of games I want to play I’ll probably never end up getting it then. Thanks for telling me :/
I know, I was so disappointed. But hey there is not a shortage of other fun games to play!
Is Nine Sols in the sale? GOTY for me. Got overlooked by a lot of awards.
Nine Sols is squarely in the “good but not fun” category for me. It is well executed but I did not enjoy most of it. Also the story is a bummer.
I reinstalled Sekiro after finishing it to see if my memory was rose tinted. No, sekiro is still like music. Even cleared the “you should lose this fight” tutorial boss.
STALKER 2 is okay. Yeah I aint got nothing else besides high grade Slav jank.
It’s apparently got a major patch to make it good recently! I plan on getting it next payday because of that
Honestly it’s quite good even at launch, but yeah the patches have made it better
It really depends on what you like.
Satisfactory was a lot of fun for me but others might not like it.
Stalker 2 the same.
I’m a big Total War nut also.
And Veilguard was good if a little watered down.
Okay well part of the problem is that I’ve already bought most of the games that seem interesting. Already 100% done with Satisfactory, great game!
Burnt out on total war games, not sold on Stalker 2 yet.
Haha ok well over Christmas I usually play KotOR one or two (with the big fan made mods and sometimes difficulty mods).
But this year I’m doing a Rogue Trader playthrough instead.
Also Stalker Gamma may make an appearance but that’s a whole thing to set up (if you don’t want to install mods etc).
In terms of Total War burnout I recommend trying the SFO mod (big overhaul of balance and mechanics) on WH3. It for sure breathes new life into the older factions.
And for some strategic top-down Real-time-with-pause fun, try Doorkickers or Doorkickers 2. Game 1 is older but a full release, whereas game 2 is at the end of a loooong early access, but it still my preference. Probably game 1 is <$10 though.
If you’re still looking for something, just point me in a direction and I’ll send more. This is my jam.
Ended up picking up 6 titles this sale:
Cobalt Core
Cult of the Lamb
Animal Well
Rabit & Steel
So far I’ve only played the first 3, loving Peglin and Cobalt Core, not far enough into Cyberpunk to make an assessment.
Ah well it seems like you’re covered for the holiday season! Enjoy.
I do appreciate your suggestions, and I will give them a look. Happy holidays!
Edit: If I may give a “retro” gaming suggestion of my own. Anybody who likes arcade style games should go immediately buy “Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved”. As it is my 100/10 arcade style game recommendation. It’s pure game, no story, no bullshit. 3 lives, 3 bombs, and a dream.
I’ve gone through spells like this. I currently have more games to buy and play than I have time, but I’m a bit behind.
What do you like?
I saw in another comment you played satisfactory. Check out Shapez 2. Its a no pressure fun factory game.
Thanks for the recommendation! I play a lot of different styles of games. Roguelikes, factory building, survival, FPS, RPG, Arcade, RTS, ect and sundry.
well if you haven’t tried it, bg3… what’s sundry?
I have it! I can’t get out of ACT 1 without wanting to reroll a new character. I’ve done this at least 5 times so far… haha
Sundry: Of various kinds; several.
Same. Yesterday I searched through Switch, PS5, GoG and Steam to find something to play during the holidays.
I think I’ll just track down the Wii game “The Last Story” I never got to play.
One sale just ended and there’s another… Where am I supposed to get time to play when I’m busy buying them?
I’m surprised it is that high.
I hope this article isn’t because the industry might consider shifting to a complete subscription model, I really can’t afford the rising cost of new games on release or overpriced subscription models.
Seems reasonable to me. What percentage of games on steam have been released in 2024? Gotta be a smoll percentage. Actually, 15 percent seems pretty high now that you mention.
“A whooping 15 percent” seems like a better title.
I think all I played this year was Helldivers 2
Usually TF2 is up here too depending on the seasonal update rotation.
STALKER 2 is the only new game I think I bought this year
That’s because most new games either suck the butt or made by assholes, or both