Me and my girlfriend are attempting a keto-style diet, but I am a terrible chef and don’t have much energy to cook generally. Previously I’d mostly eat soups and stews since I could make a huge pot, freeze some of the extra and eat it with rice, but most of the recipies I know aren’t keto friendly (or at least the one suitable for a full meal). It also doesn’t help that I’m a pretty terrible cook and my girlfriend is used to well-seasoned African cuisine.

I’m hoping to find some keto or keto-adjacent meals that can be prepared in bulk easily, and ideally (but not necessarily), frozen.

    3 hours ago

    My doctor said something similar.

    But after years of me being on keto, losing 167lbs, having an “absolutely fantastic health record” and the “healthiest bloodwork” he’s ever seen (his words), plus significant improvement in mood, memory, and mobility, and a significant reduction/elimination of pain and inflammation, he changed his mind.

    He even said that most of the content he had heard or read when saying it was “a bad diet” all those years ago was “completely biased” and “worded very slyly” (also his words). After revisiting those sources, he realized they “weren’t actually describing real keto, just people eating a ton of fat” (which is not what keto is), “and crying about how bad fat is” (again, his words… which made me LOL). Also, mega bonus points for him - he actually checked into the sources and found that most of them were funded by the sugar industry.

    It takes nothing to realize you’re wrong; for some people, it takes a lot to admit it. He had no problem doing so, and even recommends the diet to other patients now.