Due to a recent containerd 1.7.24 update, your /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun
mapping needs to be moved from the volumes
section to the devices
Don’t be like me and realize this AFTER you leave home for the holidays.
Due to a recent containerd 1.7.24 update, your /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun
mapping needs to be moved from the volumes
section to the devices
Don’t be like me and realize this AFTER you leave home for the holidays.
Let this be a lesson to implement a change freeze 1 week before leaving home for a holiday/trip/etc. 😁
Luckily I realized that I could Cloudflare-tunnel my Portainer UI out to a long random-nonsense subdomain name.
That allowed me to fix it (and then immediately kill the tunnel – not a fan of exposing Portainer to the internet).