• rottingleaf@lemmy.world
    3 months ago


    As an ADHD person. Generalizing, strategizing, finding critical points and all that are too very important tasks. Many people seem to think these are equivalent to “doing the least amount of work”. That’s simply not true and you can compare a group where everyone linearly and with great effort always does something and where nobody does the generalizing and strategizing or even failure finding tasks, inevitably spending a lot of time chilling looking at the clouds or just thinking, to a group built normally. A hint - the latter will perform much better.

    And as an ASD person. You heavily underestimate the importance and uniqueness of skills for the political part. People who become CEOs are usually incredibly gifted in that direction. I’m impaired in that direction even compared to most people, so I can see just how important it is.

    And in general about assholes and not being able to figure something out … humanity works by Darwin’s laws. No matter what morality you preach in schools, no matter how much you talk about love and helping each other, the people on top are very capable. If you want something to change in any order of things, you should first accept the fact that their power is perpetually challenged and they win against those challenges preserving that power. They are quite smart.

    They may see some things with aberrations. We all do.

    But looking at those people and saying they understand something worse than you is similar to Soviet propaganda talking about Western world as something which is going to rot on its own, because its strategy for the future is so much dumber than the Soviet one. The weaker side does not win by being arrogant in addition to weakness.