Have seen a few posts popping up recently just straight up calling fo violence barely disguised as memes
Had thought Lemmy had chilled out a bit on that kinda thing for a while but seems to be coming back now
Anyone else noticing the same or just me?
This is why people are celebrating. They didn’t like the person who was killed. They certainly wouldn’t celebrate if someone didn’t like one of their friends and their friend was murdered.
Your words are in human english, but your sentiment is that of some sort of unfeeling golem.
It’s not only normal and OKAY to dislike evil money hoarding capitalist oligarchs, but it is our duty for the sake of the future of humanity.
Your defense of these “people” is quite disgusting. If you don’t have 10+ million dollars you should be on the side that is rooting for a better future, not the side building underground bunkers and setting the air on fire.
It makes me not like you either.
So what, because you don’t like me, you’re going to murder me like the CEO was murdered? We just get to murder anyone we don’t like now and it’s somehow okay???
THAT’S the disgusting attitude, not someone who believes that people shouldn’t murder others.
There’s a difference between being annoying online and being hated because you think Scrooge McDuck wasn’t greedy enough. No one is going to ice you for having bad tales on the Internet.
All I said was that I don’t like you dipshit. I’m not some boogeyman who is now going to appear like Bloody Mary because I don’t like you.
But if there was a post that said “Dipshit bootlicker murdered at his computer while typing apologist manifesto for the bourgeoisie” I’d probably be okay with it.
In a world rife with overpopulation, we don’t need people who say “Maybe it IS okay for giant corporations to keep their boot on everyones neck.”
do you hold stock in straw men or something? this person claiming they want to kill anyone they dislike? i don’t think they exist, and if they do, they’re clearly not in this conversation, so idk why you keep feeling the need to address them.