• PugJesus@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    No I didn’t. Do you have me confused with someone else?

    I’ve already quoted you on two things you’ve denied, we’re really gonna make it three for three?

    I can’t exactly laugh at people who are desperate in wanting to end a genocide, but you and the rest of the liberals seemed gleeful at them having their relatives killed because they wrong-voted.

    Oh, we were ‘gleeful at them having their relatives killed’ because we thought Muslim-Americans voting for Trump on the issue of GAZA was an incredibly stupid decision, and weren’t willing to asspat them for it like you were? Funny how you’re always eager to asspat everything that furthers genocide, but never anything that actually restricts it.

    Funny thing is, I remember that thread - we were both participants, after all - and in that thread, sympathy for the actual victims of the genocide was clearly, repeatedly, and explicitly stated. But that doesn’t fit your narrative of “SHITLIBS BAD”, so you find a more pleasing imagining of the situation, huh?

    How about some self-reflection on how democrats are so shit that people would actually try their luck with republicans of all people?

    Of course, no self-reflection for you about how constantly beating the “GENOCIDE JOE GENOCIDE JOE HE IS PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE, IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF HIM” drum without context could possibly affect low-information voters. But sure, talk more about how it’s totally understandable to vote for Trump over the issue of Gaza, maybe next time, you can convince twice as many folk to vote in favor of genocide by telling them how wholesome and valid voting for genocide is.

    Keep killing minorities. It seems to be the only thing you’re passionate about.

    Never have I spoken positively about trump, he’s an absolutely irredeemable piece of shit, but here you are imagining all these things about me because you’re so stuck in the two-party mode of thinking.

    Considering you’ve already played apologist for Trump voters multiple times? It’s not much of a leap. #remindme4years or whatever it is.

    When do democrats take responsibility for the billions they’ve sent in support of genocide? When do democrats take responsibility for the shit campaign they’ve run?

    When the ever-loving fuck did I say they weren’t responsible?

    Jesus fucking Christ, this stupid position of “You can’t blame voters! It’s the DEMOCRATS’ FAULT!”, other than being an utterly servile and bootlicking view of governance and citizenship that strips voters of moral agency, ignores the possibility of there being more than one guilty party in a fucking disaster. It’s positively childlike.

    Voters would happily vote for the non-genocide option, but apparently that’s not allowed. Politicians are responsible for appealing to voters, they’re not owed votes.

    Voters are responsible for making the best decision possible for the polity; we are not absolved of the choice of inaction just because we throw a temper tantrum and insist that if Israel is going to slaughter Palestinians, American minorities should get slaughtered too, and Ukrainians as well - and that Israel should get more money for their genocide of Palestinains. But you don’t give a fuck about any of that.