Why is everyone in this thread Richard Byrd?
Most people I know wear t-shirts at home in winter and heat up the house to compensate, wasting energy. This meme is clearly aimed at them.
If you live in arctic conditions, then you probably already wear more than a shirt, even at home. If not, then feel adressed as well.
And to the many people who are currently raising their babies at home: Scandinavian practices be damned. I understand that it’s not too practical to regularly wrap up your baby so that they can withstand freezing conditions. Fine. Turn up the damn thermostat. You already have a screaming infant at your hands.
Everyone else: stfu.
Never mind things like water, pets, children…
Must be nice living somewhere where you don’t even know that pipes can freeze.
It’s gonna get down to -30°C this week, I’ll turn the heat off and just throw on the good ol’ toque and a sweater and report back, assuming I still have fingers.
Same here.
But there is middle-ground here. My wife came from a very temperate country. She wants the thermostat set at like, 26.
I’d be happy to have it at 17 and wear sleeves indoors. 9 degrees thermostat difference makes a hell of a dent in the utility bill.
26?! Hell, I can’t even sleep if it’s above like 20C in my room. My bedroom right now is 10C (vents blocked to keep it extra cold) and that’s about the perfect sleeping temp. I’d go that cold in the rest of the house too but my pet snake probably wouldn’t appreciate it.
Agreed. Funnily I’m from a more temperature country and she’s from where I’m at now, but she’s the one that is always cold and wants to keep it at ~22. I ain’t gonna argue considering she pays the electricity bill, though.
im the ranging person during the summer with AC. my apartment gets super fucking hot during the summer and i need AC blasting 24/7
If you have south or west facing windows:
Metallized privacy films have made a big difference in my home. For heat protection, they should be the weather resistant kind and applied to the outside of the window. (They should be removable without leaving any residue)
If you want to try this method out first: Stick a few space blankets in front of the windows. Looks like shit, but it’s a cheap way to test whether this method might work for you.
i cant stick things to my window in my apartment