Anyone with a truck carrying giant flags. If you are in the US, you know what I mean.
They’re in Canada, too.
Not one of our best exports
We breed our own here, too, unfortunately
I’m conflicted by this because the other day, I saw one of these with LGBTQ+ flags and not the typical American, Mexican, Rattlesnake or Trump 2024 flags.
Still, it was on a giant truck clearly not for working on a farm or hauling anything but ass and those giant flags are obnoxious no matter what they are signalling.
Doesn’t help the 1.5C that’s for sure.
Dodge ram.
Lifted trucks. My assurance goes up 10x if they have rims and tires meant for the road.
My friend and I bought trucks around the same time. Mine is a simple tradesman Ram, no bells and whistles, primarily for moving and hauling stuff that can’t fit in my wife’s sedan.
I’m a pretty passive driver. Live and let live, y’know?
My friend had a similar personality when he first got his Tundra (of course with all the extras he can afford). Then he goes and spends $10,000 on a lift, winch, and floodlights. Now he’s like a different person. He drives super aggressively, whipping round corners, weaving through traffic going 20mph over on the highway. He was driving me through some quiet neighborhood the other day and nearly mowed over a cyclist. I asked him what the hell he was doing and he shrugged and said “if she’s gonna ride a bike in the street, she’s gotta look out for trucks. Not my fault if she doesn’t see me”
TL;DR - truck drivers are fine, a truck is a tool like any other vehicle. Lifting your truck turns you into a redneck scumbag overnight though apparently.
Lifted Dodge Ram. They are more likely to be drunk too.
Welcome to my new segment, You Might Want to Know?
Dodge and Ram are two different brands and product lines. Rams are the trucks, and Dodge makes muscle vehicles.
But as to your point, you’re more right than you possibly know!
Knowledge is knowing that Ram is now itcs own brand. Wisdom is knowing only nerds who use federated social media would care. Understanding is appreciating all new content people provide.
Um, ackshually… I know, it’s pedantic 😩
(EU) SUVs. Are you insecure and too stupid to drive? GET A CAR 20% larger in every dimension so you can piss off the whole world with your incompetence.
Or do you have a genuine reason that makes them advantageous?
I have an SUV because:
- my mother in law has mobility issues and struggles to get in/out of a saloon.
- my wife has neck issues and the higher driving position is better for her
- I like it (ok, that could make me an arsehole)
Truth is that mine (BMW X1) is at most 5cm bigger in any dimension, if at all, than the car on which it is based (Mini Cooper). The extra size is an optical illusion.
Also - the mass and form of an SUV makes them a good option in terms of safety. Smaller vehicles get crunched like pop cans, and trucks get sandwiched by their own bed if you hit a solid object.
Actually no. SUVs are great at murdering the drivers of other cars, they do not in fact protect you any better. Its just a big blow up dick for assholes.