One thing I have struggled with lately is finding good games to play. I bounce around from game to game trying to enjoy it but it just doesn’t scratch the itch like it used to. For example, one of my favorites was old school RuneScape, but it hasn’t really been giving me the same enjoyment that it used to. So then I would open up World of Warcraft, Destiny 2, just playing a little bit of each game. Think maybe I need some new games to play but it’s tough to find them these days.
So what are your favorite 1000+ hour games?
Pavlov VR
Team Fortress 2
I just can’t stop crashing cars into things in slow motion.
Garry’s Mod. Basically a gateway drug to hobby animation, and in some ways not so far off from the modding tools used to make it.
If you’ve watched stuff like Heavy Is Dead, they’re usually made with it. Some more professional-looking stuff is instead made in “Source Filmmaker”.
If it still ran, MW2. Loved it
but today it would have to be minecraft. I have to play it in sessions but, it never fails to find a mod pack or challenge setup.
What’s your favourite mod pack recently?
my fav one recently has been ftb: skies, but that’s a skyblock , I’m going to try the decursio project soon though, it’s supposed to be an rlcraft/sevtech style mod pack, so I’m excited for it , I just haven’t have free time to play it yet.
There was a moment in my life when I thought that perhaps I was outgrowing games… that they were just not really designed for the entertainment of adult human beings in a way that could satisfy me. Not one of my old stand-bys could, as you said, “scratch the itch” or provide “the same enjoyment that it used to.” I found myself spending more time with films and books.
Then I got into FromSoft games and indie titles, and within a year I realized games still held incredible experiences for me. I hadn’t outgrown games. I had only outgrown the bland slop represented by most AAA releases, and especially by online multiplayer releases. Personally, I’d recommend giving up on looking for a new 1000+ hour obsession. Instead I’d recommend seeking a broad array of 10-100 hour loves. If you haven’t already tried them, for me a love of gaming was saved primarily by: Dark Souls, FTL, Spelunky, and Hollow Knight.
There was a moment in my life when I thought that perhaps I was outgrowing games
My exact thought earlier this year, honestly. I’m right there with you
Personally, I’d recommend giving up on looking for a new 1000+ hour obsession. Instead I’d recommend seeking a broad array of 10-100 hour loves.
This is exactly what I’ve been doing for the past 6 months. I’ve discovered some pretty crazy and amazing titles. Played Everything from BG3 to No Man’s sky, lots of indie titles my favorites being Boomer shooters and new up and coming titles. I tried Stardew Valley for the first time since everyone seems to be raving about that one, and a couple similar ones like my time at Sand Rock, Valheim was awesome. Guess I feel like I’m running out of stuff to play lately
If you still haven’t tried anything FromSoft has made in the past decade, please do.
I’ve played dark souls remastered… It’s hard as hell man. Haven’t tried Ellen ring yet but it’s on my list
Dark age of Camelot. 6000 hours on my main character. I prefer not to think about how could life be different now if I had not started this game…
I prefer not to think about how could life be different now if I had not started this game…
I used to think like this. It took me a while to realize it wouldn’t be different at all. You gotta take care of yourself in life and that includes your mental health and well-being. Sometimes that’s playing a game you love
You should try Brighter Shores.
The original RuneScape developers and owners (i.e. Andrew Gower and his brothers) are back with a new game, at a new company, with an industry shattering $5.99/mo subscription price for all content.
No micro transactions, no pay to win, no outrageous DLC pricing, no bull shit … just a fun game with many similarities to OSRS but also modernizations, formula improvements, and lessons learned.
You should try Brighter Shores.
I tried it, and it was really hard to get into. There are some pretty big glaring flaws of the game right now that make it simply unfun to play, in my honest opinion. One of them is the fact that it feels like RuneScape classic, rather than RuneScape 2. For example when you do activities like fishing, you have to click each individual fish over and over again to infinity. Which doesn’t feel enjoyable. Combat is also rather clunky, and there’s little dopamine involved. I also distinctly hate the fact that you cannot do what you want with combat, like you cannot be an archer. You only get like three arrows and then you have to use melee. Also it seems like skills are only usable in one area, once you move on to the next episode, there are no areas to practice those skills anymore. So it’s really not fair in my honest opinion to compare it to RuneScape at all. Once you get into the forest, there is no fishing spot as far as I’m aware… I can respect that people like it but it’s not for me
If you’re a Destiny refugee, the most obvious answer is Warframe, which just keeps on getting better and better.
Does it have multiplayer or is it single player only? Destiny 2 was only really playable because I had a community/clan that I played with actively for the social aspect of it. Horribly boring playing it solo
7 Days to Die for me
Do you like the latest updates? The way the game is headed?
In descending order: Skyrim Fallout 4 Starfield
Morrowind is a game that has extreme hours too, but not sure if it is 1000+ (yet).
You are very brave for playing Starfield for 1,000 hours. I gave up after 25 hours when I completed the entire quest line and started new game plus. Literally couldn’t do it. Went and played some No Man’s sky, and now that’s becoming my new addiction
I still play Starfield, I really like the game but have it modded a lot now.
Never had any fun with No man’s sky, for me the story is boring and the rest of the game can’t hook me. In my eyes Starfield is a way better game, but I can see and understand why other think different about this.
But like what are you doing Starfield for that long? I feel like after 25 hours I had seen and experienced everything that there was to offer. What else is there left to do?
There is so much to do and to see in the game, I have so many hours in and still find new stuff that I had not seen before.
25h is barely the main quest and there is so much else to see and do then the main quest. Faction quests, side quests, radiant quests, base building, ship building, new game plus, DLC, mods.
Starfield is packed full with stuff to discover, people just have to be open for the game. Yes it has lots of flaws, the awful temple puzzle was the first thing that I changed with mods, and yes the loading screens are not great. I can forgive the game it’s flaws, maybe because I never over hyped it as so much other did.
I am playing Bethesda games for over 20 years now, since Morrowind, and I have a very good idea what to expect from a Bethesda game and where the strength and limitations of the engine are. Due to this I never expected to be able to do atmospheric flights or to travel over huge parts of the planet in one go, or to have huge interplanetary or interstellar areas. The engine is not made for that kind of things, not at all, so I never expected the game to have those features and so my expectations for the game were very similar to the delivered product.
Tbh If I had a friend who has it on Steam I’d probably try it through library sharing but I don’t.
Civ 6, Fallout 4
People still play Fallout 4? What are you doing the game? I beat it like years ago but don’t know how to enjoy it if I played it again today
Project Zomboid, Rimworl, Dwarf Fortress, Stellaris, Starsector…
You really like simulators?
Dota 2.
I’ve played Dwarf Fortress, Stellaris, yet I still find Dota to be the most complex game ever.
It sucks that it’s a multiplayer game, and you need people to play it well with you, but when it works, it’s amazing.
Everything in it has layers of usability, usually componded by the everything else in the game - hero abilities, items, map, neutrals, even the stupid trees play a large role in the game.
I’ve spent hundreds of hours studying the mechanics, and I still don’t grasp everything.
I played a lot of DotA too, but that doesn’t have a playtime counter. But I have over 3000 hours in Dota 2.
My second favourite game is OpenTTD. It’s just so satisfying to optimize the train network and add another 100 trains to it. I’ve tried Factorio, but for some reason that did not scratch that itch.
Or some roguelites, like Slay the Spire (or the Touhou: Lost Branch of Legend), Synthetik (haven’t tried second one yet), they are always fun.
Great list! I’ve tried Dota 2 as well, it’s definitely extremely complex and addictive but not my kind of game, I just cannot thrive and enjoy that sort of game. Same goes with League of Legends. Just not my cup of tea.
I am a little curious about Stellaris though. That game seems so incredibly complex, like, what about it is The draw for people? I’ve heard so many people talk about it and has so many freezy steam reviews but when I first tried it as a demo, it seemed so absurdly complex That my head was spinning. Like I had no idea what the heck was going on. I’m not sure how to enjoy it I guess
Caves of Qud has nearly infinite replay value with all the random generations + mods. You can do nearly anything you set your mind to. Same with Project Ozone 3 (Minecraft mod). If you like goal orientated games that are multiplayer try Space Station 13. That shit is nuts, and I mean 13 not the 14 on Steam it doesnt have half of what the old one does. But the launcher is about to go out for 13 so get it while you can.
I found that Two Worlds had a lot of fuck around potential. You can infinitely combine weapons that are duplicates to strengthen them. I once killed every NPC in the entire game and used the resurrection spell on them so everyone was completely loyal to me even monsters.
If you can still find it. There was this online Pokémon game that was somehow realistic. You controlled your character typed ccommands for your Pokémon. And they were always alongside you when out of their ball. It was hardcore as shit. I got my cheeks clapped multiple tines trying to run to a different village by gangs of mankeys and caterpies. Nintendo is just drooling on the floor not doing this officially. It took forever to level, it was an extreme challenge to find stuff to evolve your Pokémon. Ugh I hope thats still out there somewhere.
A less spoken one nowadays that is also very fun is still the original Morrowind. Absolutely mind blowing how expansive that game is to this day. It is still just as legendary as it was back then even if it is a little dated. I actually come to like it when a game isn’t guiding me on what to do in an RPG. It feels more immersive when I’m supposed to know what a Guar looks like.
Appreciate the great response and recommendations!
There was this online Pokémon game that was somehow realistic.
I think you’re talking about pokémon revolution online, or something similar. There’s a few pokémon MMOs.