Nextcloud (AIO) has been a nightmare 😫. I’m planning to ditch it since I don’t have the time to keep tweaking it or dealing with constant issues.
Now, I’m torn between Seafile and OwnCloud.
I was interested in trying OCIS but couldn’t find a ready-to-use Docker Compose file. If anyone has one, I’d greatly appreciate it!
Also, I’ve read concerns about how Seafile stores files. Is that still an issue?
I use Portainer to manage containers, but I’m okay with a manual setup too. I just need a ready-to-use Compose file for quick deployment.
Thanks in advance!
Edit: Found a solution. Haven’t tried yet.
Probably you missed it:
Btw also ocis store the files in its own format
FWIW the file system it uses ‘decomposedfs’ can be read by other applications like rclone if needed.
Also ocis is working on a ‘normal’ file system with a few tradeoffs:
Interesting but I haven’t found how to mount decomposefs with rclone, do you have any examples? I succeeded with WebDAV but it doesn’t seem very reliable
Never done it myself but I think this example goes over the mounting